Essential meanings: Teachability; open-mindedness; being adaptable without compromising what’s most important.
The Oracle's Message: A tree’s roots are firmly planted in the ground, yet its branches can bend in a hurricane . . . whereas a rigid structure, like a building, would come crashing down. Consider how the tree remains supple and secure when everything around it may be in shambles. This is how you need to be now: willing to learn new things, teachable, malleable, yet firmly grounded in who you are. Common sense is important, but so is an open mind. Stay curious; stay open. Stay aware. At this time, others will be more flexible with you, too.
Relationship message: In every relationship, it’s important to be open to new experiences and learning new things. Letting go of rigidity is what’s required right now. You don’t always have to be right all the time, do you? It’s okay to come to a happy compromise—you can still get your needs met. It’s a beautiful day when you meet halfway! The appearance of this card in a reading could also remind you that you might have met someone new who may not be your “type” but who turns out to be so special that you can easily release your old ideas about what sort of partner is right for you. Be flexible—you’ll be happy you made that choice.
Prosperity message: Even when you have a clear vision of how you’re going to manifest something—what it will look like, who will share in your vision, and what will be available to you—you still need to relax and open up to other possibilities. Spirit may have much better plans for you. It could be a job you hadn’t thought of, a new source of money, or some other opportunity that eluded your imagination. Be flexible and remind yourself, This, or something better, manifests for me now. Then be willing to bend a little. Enjoy the miraculous results.
Here And Now
Essential meanings: Being fully present in the moment; living one day at a time.
The Oracle's Message: Everything happens in the now, in the present moment. Only this moment counts. You have what it takes to handle anything today if you let go of the need to look into the future or past. Be present and notice what is going on right now. This very moment has everything you need to create miracles in your life.
Relationship message: It’s easy to yearn for a love affair or friendship you may not have right now—one that is more romantic, more fun, more reliable, more passionate. The good old days are gone, and a new day has dawned. Let your heart trust that you have everything you need right now whether you have the relationship you desire or not. Tomorrow is beyond your reach. Yesterday cannot return. The now is all that is available to you. Stay present and aware that in this moment, as you cherish and approve of your beautiful self, you are a magnet for love. Spirit is madly in love with you right now. Did you know that? Turn to Spirit to feel the joy of love in the here and now.
Prosperity message: What you are working on is golden, and your efforts will leave a powerful legacy. Focus not on meeting a goal in the far-off future but on creating your dream now, releasing your desire for an outcome and owning that it already exists. It will appear in the material world as if by magic. Claim your prosperity now. The essence is more important than the form. When you are immersed in prosperous thoughts, you automatically tune in to a sense of timelessness and unlimited potential. You can “act as if” in spite of the temporary outer conditions. You are prosperous at this moment. What you think now becomes your reality. Stay present.
Go The Distance
Essential meanings: Endurance; strength; the long haul.
The Oracle's Message: To bring your dream to life, you must think long-term and pay no attention to the fluctuations in the current of your experience. Joy and disappointment commingle with opportunities, so there is no need to fear the occasional obstacle. Life is not a sprint. This card is a reminder that you have endurance, strength, and fortitude to carry you all the way, so remain true to yourself. Your authenticity alone will keep you in alignment with the energy of miracles. What is yours will never be withheld from you. Remember that!
Relationship message: You either are in or are calling in a harmonious relationship that can stand the test of time. For better or worse, as you ride the ups and downs—and even strain, break yourself, and are remade in new growth—you are being redeemed by the power of regeneration. Harmony does not mean there will never be a wrong note played but that the relationship is marked by endurance and dedication to overall unity. A new song can be written, an instrument can be tuned, and the symphony of love will play on. Listen with your heart. Isn’t it magnificent?
Prosperity message: Your most precious dreams are not about instant gratification but enduring prosperity. This is a time to think long-term and engage in continued action. You will experience building momentum as you manage the ebb and flow in slow and steady movement forward. Your efforts, concepts, ideas and hard work now can lead to greater riches than you can imagine. Stoke the fire so that an uninterrupted stream of energy is available to support you in all the phases of manifestation. Be assured that you are in the right place right now.
Essential meanings: Being ready; bringing something to light; being at your best; confidence.
The Oracle's Message: You can be assured that you are ready for anything right now. You know what you need to, your skills are sharp, you’ve come to this place with wisdom and knowledge, and you sense a new phase of your life about to begin. People respond to your confidence and trust you. This is an auspicious time to begin new things.
Relationship message: When you’re confident and happy in your skin, you are ready for deeper, more intimate relationships. You have nothing to prove right now. You are completely yourself and can handle anything now. Love, friendships and harmonious new connections are all present now or coming in. You’re ready to give and receive from the heart. This is a beautiful place to be.
Prosperity message: You have every reason to feel confident. Everything you need to make your success concrete is now at your disposal. You can take action knowing you are ready to step into your power, into your light and into your service to the world! The direction you’re moving in is your Destiny. Your soul is smiling with joy as you align with this truth.
Chop Wood
Essential meanings: Being grounded in everyday experience; humility.
The Oracle's Message: There are times when the big dream is meant to be laid to rest in your consciousness so that you can pay attention to the simple chores in your life. Consider why pruning a tree is as important as delighting in the beautiful blooms when they are in full blossom. The mundane act of pulling off dead leaves, watering the soil, and then leaving it alone to let nature take its course is an important step in manifestation. Taking your attention away from your goal brings you into a state of receptivity. This is the deeper and profound purpose for releasing attachment. When you engage the everyday tasks in a meditative, contemplative way, you clear your energy to receive your Aha moments, which brings you ever closer to what you seek.
Relationship message: Nothing is as important right now as just doing what you need to do day to day. Let your heart remember that not everything has to be hard, passionate, or even obviously meaningful. Relationships and friendships go through lulls when the everyday tasks are at the center of awareness. That is perfect right now. Hold hands, wash dishes, make a fire, read a book, share a meal, say nothing, stare into space, pick up socks, tell a dumb joke, and leave space to breathe. The “work” of your relationship right now is very simple: just to be present and sharing. Funny how it takes work to “just be.” All is well, really.
Prosperity message: Now is the time to take small steps rather than the larger leaps on the journey to creating your most prosperous life. Move your focus off your big dream and attend to the mundane chores. Focus on the little things that may have piled up while you’ve been planning your big life, the greater plan that you aspire to see manifest into reality. “Chop wood, carry water,” as the Zen proverb advises—or wash dishes, walk the dog. . . . While you’re doing all that, Spirit will have a chance to move mountains and set wondrous miracles in motion for you. Remain humble and aware of the present.
No Place Like Home
Essential meanings: Authenticity; coming home to yourself; feeling at home; arriving at a place where you just “fit”; being comfortable in your own skin.
The Oracle's Message: Besides being comfortable, home feels safe and secure, a place to rest and create, a place that is known and you can call yours. This card signals that your ability to trust yourself and feel at home in your own skin is beginning to solidify as you claim your dignity and integrity, aspects of yourself no one can take away from you. You know who you are. You hold your head high—yet with neither pride nor humility. Instead, you stand as the observer, seeing through the eyes of your soul. This puts you in a position of power and strength. Authenticity is your home. You are safe here, within you, in the house of your spirit and Spirit.
Relationship message: Lovers, friends, and companion animals are at home in your life right now. You are in sync and full of love, and you can be secure in the knowledge that it is reciprocated. Relationships have a sense of emotional safety, comfort, and the best aspects of familiarity now. Be home in this relationship. Together you add to the love of the world.
Prosperity message: When you act in an authentic way, you command the world to reflect back to you exactly what is in your highest good. Your business choices, the investments you make, and the creative projects you immerse yourself in are powerfully on-point. Why? Because when you are fully yourself, radically accepting everything in your journey to date—both successes and failures—you will see the divinity in all things. Abundance is a natural progression when you experience this kind of authenticity.
Essential meanings: Forgiveness; making amends; healing after arguments.
The Oracle's Message: Each time we are hurt and allow the hurt to pass through us without understanding and integration, we accumulate an unwanted burden. It keeps us chained to the very things we need to heal: the pain, the memories, the echoes of resentments, and the arguments that we rehearse over and over. Now is the time for mending rifts, healing wounds, and letting go of the old hurts in order to be free and reclaim your power. Now is the time to forgive, to release, to make peace, and to make amends to others. Set yourself free.
Relationship message: You’ve come to a place where forgiveness is necessary if you’re to move forward. Separate or together, you and the other person are still experiencing the effects of a hurt that is impacting everything you do—even if you’re not aware of it. The energy needs to clear. What must you do to do to bridge this gap? Closing your heart is not the answer. You have the power to heal this wound. Ask yourself, What would Love do? Only good will come of forgiveness and an honest redress.
Prosperity message: Everyone makes mistakes, especially when you want something very badly. You may come to realize that in chasing after a pretty, shiny thing, you lost sight of long-term, sustainable prosperity. Sometimes you may make choices that look good at first but ultimately lead to loss or failure. It’s time to forgive yourself and others. Don’t blame anyone else. You get to start again, wiser and more mature. The journey to true abundance can be bumpy. Make amends to anyone you may have hurt along the way- especially yourself. Forgive those who may have taken advantage of you. Let go, and learn from this. You are now that much closer to achieving the kind of prosperity that really fulfills you. Nothing is ever lost or wasted when you see with this perspective.
A Change In The Wind
Essential meanings: A sense that unseen change has been initiated; preparation for a storm; awareness that your plans are not on firm ground; feeling a shift; uncertainty about which direction the winds will blow.
The Oracle's Message: We all yearn for certainty and resist change. It’s human nature to want the world to remain consistent like a zebra’s stripes. Yet nothing in our experience is black and white, nor will anything remain static. The one thing we are guaranteed is change. Now is a time of transformation as outer conditions are temporarily moving out of sync with your desires and expectations. Stay curious and remember even storms serve to clear the air, scatter seeds, and nourish the soil for better things ahead. Life is about to get interesting. Anticipate it with curiosity as you wonder what is coming in on the shifting winds. The unknown is where the magic lies.
Relationship message: Relationships go through periods where partners seem out of sync with each other and stormy emotions and moods threaten to take down the ship. Perhaps someone has a change of heart and leaves. Changes offer opportunities for mutual growth, a way for you to understand your own heart better and to know what you need to make you truly happy. Rest assured that whatever is happening now, good will come from it. Take temporary shelter and remove yourself from drama. The air will clear, and everything will be fresh and new again. This, too, shall pass.
Prosperity message: As you endeavor to create a prosperous life, you may encounter unexpected shifts that cause you to reverse directions. This is a good thing, so there is nothing to fear. Perhaps an opportunity you sought went to someone else. Perhaps you’ve pursued something that you suddenly realize is not in your highest good. You might not be 100 percent clear on where you need to go, but you are certain that things are not going as planned. Circumstances are not in your control right now. Wait it out. All will be well—even better, actually. Trust.
Unfinished Symphony
Essential meanings: Unfinished business; an incomplete lesson; lack of closure; the need to make amends.
The Oracle's Message: This is a time to tie up loose ends as you are coming closer to the completion of a cycle or project and mastering a lesson or skill. Before you can move forward, it’s important that you come to terms with where you are now. Practice radical acceptance. Take inventory so that emotional and psychological closure can occur and the answers you seek will be found. You can’t move forward if you are leaving things unfinished. Reflect on what has passed so that the symphony can finally end on a high note.
Relationship message: Moving on is difficult when love lingers, things are left unsaid, and you haven’t had the opportunity for closure in your relationship and in your heart. Relationships can feel unfinished when closure is denied you. It’s important to achieve this for yourself. Write that letter, make that call, or have that conversation over a cup of coffee. For peace of mind, accept matters as they are, make amends if need be, and declare your feelings, even if only to yourself. Be clear about what was left unresolved, and close the door to the past so you can set yourself free. Only then can new love blossom.
Prosperity message: Make sure you complete projects now before starting new ones. Perhaps you have created something special that will increase your sense of abundance, and bring you opportunities for wealth. However, if you don’t see it through, it will only add up to a pile of forgotten possibilities and clutter. Now is the time to put your nose to the grindstone and complete the tasks that have accumulated. Pay your bills, sign the documents, do your filing, hand in a project, complete a work of art. Tie up loose ends so you can move forward with surety, knowing you’re on the prosperous path and feeling refreshed and excited about the future.
Essential meanings: Patience; waiting; going slowly; all is well; meditation; trust.
The Oracle's Message: Patience in all things is called for right now. What do you need to do when you’re in a rush? Slow down, of course. Meditate, and trust. Breathe, and repeat. Humans cannot exist without drawing breath. Now is the time to allow this life-giving element of air to replenish your life, your light, and your very essence. Stop to smell the roses, breathe in the light, release the darkness, and miracles will appear.
Relationship message: Don’t be in too much of a hurry right now. The heart needs time to open. Take a breath, and let nature take its course. Release constriction and anxiety, for there is no need for it. Savor the moment, and don’t let the waiting prove difficult. Your heart knows what the ego often resists learning. Patience pays off in deep and meaningful ways.
Prosperity message: You have worked long and hard, your dreams are coming to fruition, and you want to hurry things along. You are the slow one moving languidly yet still progressing right now, in a rhythm dictated by your authentic nature, the essence of your dream, and the will of the Universe. Slow and steady wins this race. You will indeed win if you relax, stay the course you’re already on, trust your intuition, and breathe.
Truth Be Told
Essential meanings: Honesty; accepting things at face value; coming out of denial; the willingness to be transparent; clarity of communication.
The Oracle's Message: There is the truth, which is the essence of a thing, and then there is a philosophical truth, subjective according to the adherent or believer. This is not a time for debate about which truth is truer. This is a time when you are called to proclaim it out loud, and be willing to be transparent, honest, and open in your communication with others and with yourself. Nothing less than surrender to the essence of what is, peeling off the layers of denial that kept you tied to an illusion, will set you free. Be authentic and gloriously flawed, and Spirit will answer with miracles.
Relationship message: People tell you who they are very quickly if you’re willing to listen to what they say and pay attention to how they behave. This card calls you engage in honest, open conversation and heartfelt communication. It’s time to see the truth about what you share with each other and tell the truth about who you are and what you need. No one can do that for you. Remember that there is the truth of a situation and your truth, which is based in your personality and experience. Is there a higher truth? Yes! That will be found after you communicate your truth and see how doing so has helped you become more of yourself. Don’t hold back. Speak your truth . . . and listen.
Prosperity message: Are you willing to do whatever it takes to experience the prosperous life you desire? If you want to be an artist, do you make your art a priority? If you want to be a healer, do you set time aside to learn new things to help you serve? A writer must write, and a singer must sing. Being true to your calling is essential to your moving forward. There is another oracle message here, too. It’s time to have a look at the real, honest truth about your thoughts, feelings, and beliefs about prosperity—about your relationship to money, to compensation, and to meaningful work. Ask yourself, What is true for me? and you will find the key to abundance.
Treasure Island
Essential meanings: The Law of Attraction bringing dreams into fruition; the results of positive thinking made manifest; abundance appearing as if from nowhere; financial gains and the sharing of good fortune.
The Oracle's Message: You’ve worked hard and acted upon your unwavering belief in abundance, and suddenly, in the midst of it all, you hit the jackpot. You have uncovered the hidden treasure and tapped the unlimited potential within your reach. What you must hone now is your ability to recognize good fortune, because some of these gems of opportunity may be obvious but others may be cloaked and not so readily apparent to the naked eye. Trust your intuition to light your way now as you enter this truly prosperous phase, where all the long, hard work navigating your inner life is now paying off externally. In all aspects of your life at this time, you have good fortune. Don’t forget to enjoy it and share it with others, as treasure shared multiplies like magic.
Relationship message: Your relationship is a treasure, providing even more than you need, but you may not see that right now. No matter how long you’ve been together, you and your partner are always discovering hidden gems about yourselves and each other. Now is a time of discovery. It’s as if everything is in sync and everything is new again. Romance blooms, and love is in the air. This is a time when you can be assured that this partnership will bring you great gifts and valuable lessons. Keep your heart open. The message of this card is to celebrate love and what it teaches you.
Prosperity message: At this time, you can be assured that success is yours. Your ideas are all hitting the mark, and you’re in a true manifestation period when you will see evidence of the seeds of prosperity you planted in the past. The appearance of this card in a reading indicates that you will align your dreams and aspirations with concrete evidence of prosperity in the world of form. This is a very auspicious and fortunate time for business. Creative projects will flourish as inspiration strikes. Share your wealth with others, too. Generosity and gratitude should lead you now.
Higher Power
Essential meanings: Conscious contact with a Higher Power; the presence of the Divine; seeing Source energy in all things; committing to a partnership with Spirit.
The Oracle's Message: This card reminds you that you are more than a person trying to get ahead and make things happen for yourself and others. You have an immortal soul gifted with a human life through which a Higher Power can express itself. At this time, you need to be conscious of your connection to Spirit and foster it through prayer and meditation. Ask: What is the highest good for all? How can I serve? Then get out of your own way and trust that there is a plan for your life more wondrous than you can ever know. You are always protected and Divinely directed.
Relationship message: It’s time to address how much effort you give to your relationship with your Higher Power, called God, Goddess, Spirit, or any other name that is sacred and holy. Recognize that your partnership with Spirit is your number one priority. The appearance of this card also indicates that there is a deep spiritual bond between you and another person who is essential to your growth and evolution. Tend to your spiritual connections and remain aware of your true nature.
Prosperity message: Sometimes your work just flows through you: ideas come rushing in, and inspiration bubbles up from a wellspring you didn’t even know you could access. When you enter agreements, begin projects, and negotiate deals with Spirit as your partner, you will always succeed. Let your Higher Power lead. The synchronicities and intuitive nudges you feel will help you see which way you are being pointed, giving you confidence as you move forward in the right direction. Don’t forget to give credit where it is due. You wouldn’t be a success without Spirit’s guidance. Humility will serve you well when this symbol appears.
Time To Go
Essential meanings: Endings; completion; walking away from something because there is nothing else to learn or experience.
The Oracle's Message: You are at the end of one journey and have not yet begun the next. This is the time to bless your experience this far. Take stock of what you’ve learned. It’s time to move on to new experiences and a new way of being. There is nothing left for you to do, be, or experience in your present circumstances. Take the risk and move on even if you need to be empty for a time. Your destiny is calling you.
Relationship message: It’s over, or at the very least the form in which this relationship has taken is no longer of service to you or them. This is a time of letting go, of knowing that the journey has come to its conclusion. That doesn’t mean anything is lost. Although this could speak to a break up, or drifting apart, or the end of a soul contract, Time to Go is more about letting go, not destruction. Remember the saying “If you love something, let it go. If it comes back, it’s yours. If not, it never was.” Endings are always a sign of new beginnings. If you want something deeper, walk away.
Prosperity message: This message is clear: the path you’ve been on with your work, creative projects, and business alliances have come to an end. You will not find the success you desire continuing on with what is in front of you now. This is an auspicious sign, because there is no choice that will benefit you other than risking the unknown. It is time to walk towards something new. This card also pertains to the more neutral concept of completion. You’ve finished your tasks and can rest assured that this ending will open up a powerful new avenue of opportunity—even better than you can imagine. You have done all you can now trust Spirit has the plan moving forward. Fortune requires you to close the door. And remember that when you shut one door, another opens.
Essential meanings: The masculine principle of movement and creative activity; the power to make things happen; taking action.
The Oracle's Message: Yang represents the power of action, the energies that propel the world forward, and manifesting thought and desire into concrete form. Now is the perfect time to act, for you can easily build momentum and make headway. What you want can come to fruition if you proceed confidently. This card signifies new life and is a sure sign that obstacles have been overcome. There is no reason to hesitate. You are the shaper of your destiny now.
Relationship message: Circumstances are supporting action on your part. It’s okay to make the first move. Trust that you will quickly know where you stand. In matters of the heart, there is movement toward your highest good, so go forth with assurance. Passion is in the air, and now is the time to dance to the tune of love. Take the lead.
Prosperity message: Projects, partnerships, and all matters relating to your business are out of the obstacle phase and on to the “make it happen” phase! Now is the time to stake your claim and get things done. While you can expect to be busier than usual, this card tells you that you have all the energy and vitality you need to accomplish your goals. Abundance is waiting for you to claim it.
Exchanging Gifts
Essential meanings: The Law of Giving and Receiving; currency; trade-offs; weighing costs and determining value.
The Oracle's Message: You’re entering into a productive and enriching time when all manner of opportunities are being offered to you. You have everything you need to seize them. Yet in order to honor them, you must put in the time, exchange your experience and skills, and commit heart and soul to what you’re choosing to pursue. You can do it! You have what it takes to be successful if you align with the Law of Giving and Receiving. You must engage in a dance of give and take, push and pull, doing and being. If you let fear guide your choices, you could deplete yourself or create an imbalance. This is not a time of just do, do, do. Use your currency wisely and be mindful of the value others bring to your life.
Relationship message: Love is an exchange of life-force energy between two living beings. It grows exponentially when it’s reciprocated. You must give and receive in order for love to flourish and abundance to flow between you, nourishing you. Spirit wants you to start accepting all the blessings waiting for you, as well as offer the same gift in return. Open your heart and allow it to be filled! Let love in and let it flow out of you, too. Love is truly yours today.
Prosperity message: All your hard work and efforts—your commitment to learning, creating, and spending your time wisely—pay off in ways you may not have been anticipating. The gifts of yourself—your time, your ideas, and the energy of your intentions—are being reciprocated by the universe, which is sending you signs and signals, aligning synchronistic meetings and opportunities to bring you success and more. Everything is an exchange. Keep doing what you’re doing. Goodwill comes back tenfold.
Milk And Honey
Essential meanings: The taste of prosperity; opportunities born of authenticity; nurturing abundance; trusting that your needs will be met.
The Oracle's Message: You’ve entered a sweet time in your life, enjoying the “land of milk and honey” that everyone wants to experience. It’s a time that feels more languid than ambitious, when all your senses are awake to the unlimited possibilities in the universe. These times are precious and only come when you’re in your authentic zone, “wearing the world as a loose garment,” not wanting, yet able to be nourished in ways both tangible and subtle. Abundance is an energy that you are a living part of. All your needs are being met. You are given the gift of nourishment in all forms.
Relationship message: Sensuality, connection, and passionate romance between lovers; sweet moments of understanding; and love among friends and family are all here for you to savor now. Your heart’s calling will be answered. Let your thoughts and feelings be sweet with gratitude and your heart will be nourished with the honey of abundance.
Prosperity message: There is only one authentic you. This version of your Self is Spirit’s emissary in the world. When you’re in alignment with the truth that you are a unique expression of the Divine, your ego can rest and your true purpose can arise from your soul. Now is the time when you’re seeking that purpose, and it will well up within you. When you find this direction, you automatically step into prosperity and the world brings you evidence of abundance. Miracles are a choice and a way of seeing the world. With every choice you make right now, you have the potential to step into good fortune and into your destiny. Opportunities will lead you to your best life now. Be open to them. You’re getting a sweet taste of what you want.
Essential meanings: Opportunity allied with readiness; the awareness of synchronicity; luck and good fortune appearing as signs and symbols; a magical alignment of events.
The Oracle's Message: You’ve stepped into alignment with the greater good, where your dreams and the collective dream resonate together in exquisite harmony. Now is the time for luck and preparation to meet and create miracles that you could never have planned all by yourself. Keep in mind that you are a channel for providence right now, as a higher energy and life force uses you on behalf of the whole world. Your fortune becomes all our fortune. Everything you bring into being now will leave a wondrous legacy for others in the future. Your service to the world is being supported at this time. Expect the unexpected. And smile, for Spirit loves you so very much.
Relationship message: Spirit has a plan, and that plan is to place you in front of the right person at the right time. You have met or are about to meet someone vitally important to your journey, someone Spirit wants to bring into your life. Only Divine forces can plan this meeting—it is out of your hands. Pay attention to the signs Spirit presents.
Prosperity message: You are in the right place at the right time. Be grateful, for the stars are aligned in your favor and fortune is smiling on you. Victory and success are yours. The choices you have made in the past have made you ready for the opportunities now in your path. This is your lucky time. The timing is perfect.
Essential meanings: Motives driving intention; the power of knowing the “why.”
The Oracle's Message: There is great power in understanding your motives right now. The Oracle asks you to be very clear about why you’re doing this, asking this question, looking for this answer, behaving in this way, and most important, making this choice. Check your motives, for knowing your “why” is the key to your success. When you are clear about it, your intention will then be a magnet for miracles. Motives define the nature of your experience—when you think about something, feel it, and then act on it. This invisible “why” is the life-force energy within the seed, which will brings it to life and holds the potential for growth.
Relationship message: We don’t always know why we engage in our relationships in the way we do, mostly because our feelings aren’t always logical. Now is the time to recognize whether you are being triggered by someone else, or if your behavior is motivated by unresolved issues in the past. When you ask yourself, Why am I feeling like this? and Why did I say that? and spend some time in introspection, the answers may be surprising. Listen to the messages from your intuition, from the knowing deep within you. What does it tell you about yourself and others? In the end, life is all about being loved. Miracles, and deep understanding of your needs and how to get them met, are the buried treasures of the “why.” Uncover them by posing the most powerful question you can ask yourself and your partner today: Why?
Prosperity message: Knowing the motives behind your career and creative ventures is the key to your greatest success. It’s the time to ask yourself some probing questions. Are you driven by a desire to serve? Does your prosperity impact the greater good? When you envision your most prosperous life, are you guided by a sense of purpose or by a need to make money, acquire things, save for the future . . . or all of these? No motive is bad or good, but having agendas hidden from yourself will lead to disappointment and possibly failure. Be clear about why you want the things you do. If the motives are true, accept them. If they are not, change them so you can step into your extraordinary life.