Now more than ever—in a world filled with challenges—we need clear inner guidance, a way to move forward with confidence and ease, and a path back to ourselves. Because as much as we try to hear our guiding inner voice, it often gets muffled in the chaos and busyness of life. Which leads to confusion. Indecision. Struggle. Fear. And fatigue.
Online Courses
The Next Step on Your Magical Journey Awaits…

The Power of Journaling with Oracle Cards

Journaling with Oracle Cards to Radically Shift Your Life

Oracle Cards 101

Master the cards in just 5 minutes a day!
The Ultimate Course to confidently read Oracle Cards in just 5-minutes a day (over 30 days). Oracle Card Reading 101 is perfect for the beginner, the “non-intuitive,” or anyone who wants to sharpen their intuition and tap into Divine guidance — without investing tons of time!

Wisdom of the Oracle Revealed

Exclusive Interactive Video Training Series
Colette will walk you through each of the 52 cards from her top-selling Wisdom of the Oracle Deck! Each 5-minute video shows you how to read intuitively and gives you never-before-revealed information. discover how to stop overthinking the card messages and feel more in tune with the Universe.

Oracle Cards Unlocked

Working with Oracle Cards Three-part Video Series
By learning the basics to do a great Oracle Card reading and gain meaningful intuitive insights, you’ll open the door to your highest good – and to magic! Take the first step to access the Divine guidance that is ready and waiting for you.

Energy Flows

A 21-Day Experience on How to Clear Your Energy Blocks and Spiritually Align Your Mind, Body & Spirit
The stories you tell yourself may be holding you back…
As human beings, there are 7 archetypal stories we tell about our lives based on 7 Universal themes. The accumulation of these stories help make up our identities.
Throughout our lives, each of these stories or energies can come in and out of alignment. They shift with our perspective and the stories we are telling (consciously or unconsciously) about our lives.

The Magic of Manifesting Workshop

Completely Change the Way You Manifest in This 2-Hour Workshop
What You’ll Experience:
Set Your Intentions With Colette
You can’t manifest what will bring you joy and fulfillment without clarity on your intention. Colette will help you master the art of aligning yourself with the feelings you desire.
Create A Container to Receive
The #1 core principle to manifesting is… and this is a big one…. ‘You need to be open to receiving’. Colette will teach you how to create a container to receive all the gifts the Universe wants to give you.
& much more…
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