There are a lot of weight loss programs out there that would either be more than happy to have you eat their food for the rest of your life, or restrict you to an amazing small amount of calories for your meals.
However, what if your weight loss came as a surprise to you? What if you engaged in self-compassionate exercises and practiced self-awareness and weight loss was a side effect of your efforts?
One of the greatest stories I’ve heard from a participant in the Weight Loss for People Who Feel Too Much program was about the day she went to work, put on her lab coat and the first time she went to reach up high for something her pants fell down. Fortunately they didn’t fall all the way to the ground and her lab coat covered what was exposed, but what a scene! Could you imagine not realizing how much bigger your clothes fit until they fell off of you? I couldn’t believe it either. She had not been stepping on a scale every day, week or even month. She was enjoying her journaling exercises, her daily Himalayan salt baths, doing all of the things in the program that encourage self-care and then, bam, one day she lost her pants.
When she was asked how much weight she lost and how it felt, her response was, “It’s not about the weight.” She no longer thought of the practices as a weight loss program. She loved the self-awareness she was gaining and her energy level was amazing. She never felt sluggish or deprived of anything. She said she had a sense of calm that she’s never experienced before. She had released more than just the 44 pounds she calculated. She released the emotions of other people, she released the toxic energy that comes from taking on other people’s stuff and she released her porous boundaries.
It gives me goose-bumps when I hear testimonials like that. I am so honored to be a part of their progress and the work we do in the Weight Loss for People Who Feel Too Much program is about self-love, not body-hate.
For more information about the program, click here and start the Jump Start program for FREE!
Love and blessings,
Colette Baron-Reid
Intuitive Counselor
Way awesome! Thank you for the share!