Spirit Messengers Wear Mechanic Uniforms. (Or, what happens when you ask for a sign about belonging, being and the importance of connection)

VLOG . BLOG Dearest you, I’m away from home and visiting the city of my origins and feeling nostalgic and so much change is going on in my life that I’m not sure where I fit in these days. Again, the unknown is more and more what shows up in front of me and I…

Life Interruptus (or; thoughts on staying present when life offers lemons that don’t make lemonade)

  VLOG   BLOG   Life Interruptus (or; thoughts on staying present when life offers lemons that don’t make lemonade) Dearest seeker of light and love, Have you noticed that it’s getting easier and much quicker to manifest these days? This is why meditation and stilling the mind is crucial to make the roller-coaster a…

The Wisdom of Hiccup’s Journey (or- why dragons need love, and you need to spit out the vinegar and choose honey)

. VLOG . . . BLOG Dearest Wondrous Light Being, Yes I mean you. How did you do these past few days? How did you spend the super-moon holy doozy, Mercury retrograde, whammy weekend? Very interesting experience for many. My friend Connie describes it like a military helicopter with a giant search light beaming down…