This week’s Oracle Card reading has an important message for us! While asking how we can stay in alignment for our highest good this week, the anchor card told us it’s time to let go of the past. Let go of the things you can’t control! Need a little more information? Pick a card from 1-6, and be sure not to cheat! Haha! Choose a card that calls out to you, and learn how to navigate this week’s energy. Be sure to pair this weekly reading up with tomorrow’s Astrology Oracle Reading to get the full scope!

I’m always surprised to see Bisou blink her little eyes, as she’s so cute, she doesn’t even look real at first! It’s like a master toy maker made the cutest little puppy that could possibly be imagined and then breathed life into her. If there’s one thing does my heart good, it’s sweet sweet animals (they are ALL sweet). Thank you for her visits! I truly look forward to them. And thank YOU for another spot-on reading.