Dearest you,
Ever have something happen that makes you go WOW after a series of what appear to be coincidences all of a sudden make sense? You know something that comes out of nowhere that leads you into a conversation, event, or other completely unplanned moment? That moment when your jaw drops and out loud (or inside your head if youβre in a public place) you say HOLY CRAP NO WAY that is AMAZING.
(Not that I believe in coincidences anyway!)
The Uncharted places in our lives are those very moments. We cannot possibly plan what happens but when everything falls into place you know for sure Spirit is there and engaged in partnership with you and for you.
So because I know that hearing stories about these wondrous moments help remind you about yours, and helps you remember Spirit is your primary reality, I am going to give you a gift this week and you can hear the whole story by watching the video.
Itβs a conversation I had with my dear friend and colleague author Anita Moorjani who so generously allowed me to include her in my real and raw video series last minute without knowing anything about my book!
This is the series, accompanied by other bonuses that everyone who pre-orders my book UNCHARTED before September 5th gets for free.
If youβre curious this video will give you an idea of the kind of up close and personal conversations I had with these amazing thought leaders and authors who were so real and so raw and so generous with sharing their views and personal knowledge and experience about the spiritual journey and all its ups and downs.
All the conversations were unplanned off the cuff and spontaneous. I barely told them what weβd be talking about and when they joined in discussion with me, well it was better than I had ever hoped.
These are real easy conversations too not interviews. (Youβll hear from me a lot too)
I will give you a hint about this one. At the very end Anita and I share a Wayne Dyer story that was totally unplanned.
So grab a cup of your favorite beverage and imagine youβre sitting with us and having fun while sharing personal truths and ideas about life, Spirit and the sacred journey we take together.
Love you always
Big hug!
Ps Anitaβs book β What if this Is Heaven? Is a must read. I just finished reading an advance copy. Itβs sooo good. You will find our books go together nicely!
When I was in my twenties, I read a full page article about a couple who lived on a
sailboat which offered charters through the Grenadine Islands. At that time most of my friends travelled to Miami to stay for a couple of weeks at their parents’ condo.
Although it was my first solo travelling adventure, and I really wasn’t even aware of where the Grenadine Islands were? I decided to embark on a sailboat cruise. This 67 ft. sailing vessel, a former cargo boat, floated atop the crystal blue waters, and below the most amazing parade of tropical fish, and other sea creatures floated by my mask. I had never snorkelled up until that time and not a very strong swimmer. Imagine what I would have missed if I joined the pack to travel to Florida instead of following my spirit even though it was a huge risk not knowing anyone who was going to be on the boat. It was truly the most memorable adventure I have ever had. My “friends” at the time couldn’t understand why?? I would want to travel to somewhere other than Florida as if it was the only destination in the world. Even sharing this reminds me of the courageous, adventurous, spirit that was testing her wings, and independent mind even at such a young age. We really never know where a new doorway could lead???
On a more current note, I am considering attending the Power of Success Event in Sept. I feel it is a necessary step to connect with other women who are much farther ahead on the path than I am. I need to learn to share and celebrate more, and why not with those who have already carved a pathway to their own respective brand of prosperity. Now age 60 and so much still to learn. Humble enough to admit at this point, that I don’t have all of the answers, but I do know that I getting ready to unfurl my sails on some new uncharted adventures. I am really tired of inching along alone.
“One must never consent to creep, when you feel the impulse to soar.” Helen Keller.
I’m going to fly from my cocoon, and plant my footsteps on the moon. All I ever hoped I’d be, is free to be that person called me”.
Love love love this validation! Thank you!!
I always love your blog and vlog and those adorable doggies…! What do you do when you get clear guidance about something but the reality on the ground is SO completely different that it send you to crazy town? I received very clear signs about something but the reality is becoming more and more different. While I am trying to clear up my energy and vibrations, all the funky stuff is coming up. So my question is this – in order to understand and follow my intuition and trust that, how do I tell whether I am absorbing other people’s energy or the funky stuff that is coming up is stuff that needs to be healed so I CAN manifest what I am guided to without doubt and stinkin’ thinkin’ derailing me. Help!
OMG & WOWβ£β£β£ The moment the presale of your book was available, I jumped on over to Amazon to place my order. This week, I just want to THANK YOU OUT LOUD —— the Speaker Series is so exhilarating ——— I’ve listened to it twice & am about to go again —- each session it so full of got it, get it, hit me again—– that I can’t seem to take notes because I’m tooooo busy listening. I love you so much, Colette! I feel as if we’ve already met. I’m sure the whole tribe of dancers feels the same way,
My Heart was singing all the way through this conversation!
All the chats have been awesome and this one especially hit a home run!
Great conversation. I too have had an out of body experience or near death experience. I”ve had my own version of a do over. The feeling of everything being connected is so strong if you just let it in. Everything effects everything else. Watching all that is going on in the world more people need to get back to unity. Love you guys.
I loved this!! I love you both!!!! Thank you!!
Of course I JUST saw Anita’s book ‘Dying To Be Me’ a couple days ago, but didn’t catch the authors name, AND over the last couple of weeks when I’ve popped onto Hayhouse Radio she’s been there several times! I didn’t listen at the time but you can bet I will now! Thank you for sharing this Colette! You’re both amazing! I look forward to your book and will be adding Anita’s to my library as well.
Dear Colette and Anita
This is a beautiful conversation and speaks of truths that I have known, lived and felt for many years. It is SO heartwarming to hear this spoken by you both in such a matter of fact and ” normal” way. I know that I am with the right Tribe.
Thank you so much.
Much love to All.
PS-Ohhh, and I wanted to add a thought, when you describe unconditional love as impersonal, perhaps it feels that way because it is not divided between “special”vs “less special” or delivered in degrees…we are used to, in our worldview, competing to be loved or better than or to prove we matter. With unconditional love, it is fully available to ALL. Not the little me or you, but All, without any separation.
VERY good explanation… it is not special .. it is all..
that makes me very very happy!
love it
thank you for sharing and letting me know you related!
Thank you so much for sharing this video openly. There were many things that really made an impression upon me. As a writer and single parent of three teens, I struggle with the idea of pursing what I believe is my purpose to be here. I have recently decided to write the book of my mystical/paranormal experiences from childhood to now. It has been a struggle because I am afraid of what others will think. Soon I will be finished and will self publish and just let it fly to the winds. Also, years ago, I created an oracle book for my university practicum called Amara the Oracle. I would love to know what kind of a vibe you get from it. No one seems to buy her, but she is very special to me.
Its only important that you love her π She will find her way forward when the time is right xoxox
Brilliant as usual my dear Colette. It sounds like we have to get “back to the future” and relearn, on an expanded level, what we were born knowing?? You and your friends are the real deal or should I say the real and raw deal. You are all so certain and passionate and anxious to teach us and learn more along the way. You deliver 200% every time. Thank you with all my heart and soul for your commitment to change and for allowing me to be a part of the discovery process. Big love and hugs.?
I am SOOOOOO excited and am waiting not so patiencently for my copy of ‘Uncharted’. sorry I am just so excited. I have all of your books and re-read them when I need a reminder. Thank you again for sharing your insight.
Brilliant video conversation. Mind blown wide open π I love Anita’s two random acts of kindness idea. To do something kind for yourself as well as for someone else. Simple and Beautiful. You & Anita totally rock!
im so happy you saved the little mouse. He’s thankful too!!
I loved loved loved hearing you and Anita. I feel that I’m here to learn my lessons. I know there’s someone watching out for me and putting me in situations to learn. Trust me; the lesson realized just yesterday? I will not repeat it, because I want to move on. And I will follow my instincts because as I grow spritually, my intuition becomes honed a little bit more. I am looking and listening more now. Listening to you helps me so much.
Love love Karen
Good Golly Miss Molly!!! That was a brilliant interview with you and Anita! You two had me laughing and in tears. Very moving and exactly what I needed to hear tonight…but that’s no surprise! Much gratitude for sharing your stories with everyone. xo
Thank you, Colette for your blog, oracle card readings, and shares from your guests. I love you and your outreach to others!
I love your conversation with Anita!!! You touched on so many things I relate to. I am now going through all of Wayne Dyers Books and they give me so much confidence as do you and now Anita. At the age of about 5 or 6 I had an out of body experience in my bed at night when everyone was asleep. This seemed so real to me, I know it was real then as time went by I reduced it to being just a dream. In my out of body I went outside on the back porch and up stairs to the neighbors porch. Years later in my fifties I made a mistake telling this to the wrong people my sister and her son. Of course my family feel I am weird anyway. After trying to connect with them so many years later I became Christian like them for 9 years and guess what I felt like a liar and I was. Now I am back to my old ways loving listening to you and others. Also I had and experience somewhat like yours with a Blue Belly Lizard that I released from the mouth of my cat, that had brought him in the house. ( and I didn’t heart my lovely cat either) I took him out to my patio with a small yard petting his head and sat him down. Being so upset by this I prayed that I would see him again, because he was gone after I came back. I have a lot of new baby lizards and I think one is him and I hope so. I LOVE YOU SO MUCH COLETTE AND NOW I LOVE ANITA AND WILL BUY BOTH OF YOURS BOOKS! Now I have moved from Maryland to Tucson, AZ and loving it. I feel free!
love it !! BIG HUG!!
you are so welcome
so happy xoxox
big hug xoxox
I bought your book through Amazon but won’t get it on IBooks until it comes out. How do I prove I bought it as I really want to read the videos?
go to the book page here Uncharted-Book put your receipt number in and you will get the videos
Dear Colette [CBR Team and Tribe]
LOV : )
Reading all I can recently.
Hope to see you at the Uncharted page:
Inclusivity can be difficult to attain sometimes.
Thanks for Amazon option.
Been loving “Real and Raw” either FB’s or Skypes.
I love the translation of “Fred” so family-like.
I wish evil did not live;
instead all efforts
– appreciated
– in gratitude
– compssionate
– careful
@P: )ACE
Hearts beat as one …. LOL
Colette,I haven’t had a chance to watch the conversation with Anita yet, however I did want to make a comment regarding the oracle reading you did for this week…I found it very interesting that the first card – Metamorphosis – was about being safe in our cocoons as we talked about me being on the cusp of leaving my cocoon last week…maybe all the chaos, etc around me is not keeping me “stuck” and preventing me from moving forward as I thought, but rather is protecting me and keeping me from “emerging” too soon? Something to ponder. Thank you.
You are such a beautiful, beautiful Soul, Colette!
Thank You for Being You and for Being in our lives.
And thanks for the videos: they’re gems! I loved your conversation with Anita Moorjani (thanks for the little mouse!) and with Gregg Braden.
I’m eagerly looking forward to reading Uncharted!
Much much Love & many many Blessings to You!
Catherine (from France)
big love thanx for writing!
however it applies.. only you know π
Great video. So much information to absorb. It is really nice to see both of you talking in an informal setting. It is so much more personable. Thank you both
I love your conversation with Anita. I can hear her story over and over. And I love how Wayne shows up everytime Anita is involved. ? I also use books as an oracle. I just started to do that intuitively some time ago. Thanks for your explanation that an oracle shows everything I cannot see. That’s great and somewhat new. I usually use angel cards and feel I’m communicating with them. But I guess usually because of something I can’t see. I just wasn’t aware of that.
Love, Antje
Thank You..Thank You….Most Grateful!!
I am at the pinnacle of my deepest desires!! It makes me feel
that a gathering of like minded people will help me clear my
path to fulfilling my destiny!!
To Colette & her Spirit Helpers may you be THANKED & BLESSED!!
Rosemary Delong, New Published Writer!!
Dearest Colette,
I know this post is a few months old, but it so suited the topic I want to comment on. I have just finished reading the beginning of your new Book Uncharted, and when you mention the name of the “group” of spirits – Fred – I just had to tell you that in Danish, Fred means Peace. π
I’m from Denmark, I absolutely love you and your great gift to the World and I thought you ought to know about Fred = Peace. <3
Lots of Love & Light,
<3 <3 <3