How to Set Intentions for the New Year Into Motion: Count Your Teeniest Wins!

WEEKLY ORACLE CARD READING  At the beginning of every year, there’s an energy that’s palpable where you feel such huge promise for newness, in every way. Yes, we all get to start again! YAY. Yoga, Pilates, promises to yourself to change your diet, let go of the old habits that messed you up the…

Divine your Destiny in 2020 – My Tips for You! 5 steps to have your best year yet

WEEKLY ORACLE CARD READING  Happy New Year. HELLO, 2020!!! A new decade has arrived with much wonderful fanfare and big promise and potential brimming for us all. This year could prove to be your most amazing yet. I for one am happy to say goodbye to 2019—a disruptive chaotic year with so many twists…

Be Grateful, Surrender, and Share Hope This Holiday

WEEKLY ORACLE CARD READING  This is the week I loved when I was little, then over time as life took its turns it became the one I dreaded most, and then changed again into something I was grateful for and looked forward to. (My husband, the holiday elf, is the direct cause of that.)…

Count Your Blessings – You Are One of Them!

WEEKLY ORACLE CARD READING  One of my favorite teachers is Mathew Fox, whose book Original Blessing made probably the biggest impact on my life when I was really struggling around the holidays. My mentor, Margueritte, who bless her sweet heart was like Aunt Clara from Bewitched (for those of you who remember the dotty old…

Clear the Clutter – Clear Your Mind. Free Yourself From Negative Vibes.

WEEKLY ORACLE CARD READING  Do you know that you’re surrounded by stuff that talks to you all the time? If you have some difficulty during the holidays, (and a lot of people do) it’s an ideal time to clean up your environment before you start to decorate on top of the stuff that’s telling…

My Inspirations List: My list of what’s inspired me in 2019.

WEEKLY ORACLE CARD READING  Everyone asks me what books I’ve read and loved, what’s inspired me, who I love learning from and what I recommend. While this short list is very personal, and some of it may appeal to you and some not, I thought this year I will compile a list of inspirations…

A Gratitude List: The Power of Gratitude as a Daily Practice

WEEKLY ORACLE CARD READING   Let’s do an attitude of gratitude challenge for the last part of the year!  I’ll start! I’ll share a personal list that includes people, books who have inspired me and helped me grow, etc. I’m gonna share mine with you for 2019! Then YOU share yours! Then every day until…

Use Your Imagination to Create Reality & Open the Door to Synchronicities in Your Life

WEEKLY ORACLE CARD READING  Working with so many people over the years, I’ve really gotten to see how, with effort, insight, and perseverance, we can co-create our reality in partnership with Spirit and transform our lives. It’s so important to remember that you have a partnership with Spirit that is essential to your life…

It’s Still Mercury Retrograde: Time to Reevaluate, Realign, & Release for Deep Healing

WEEKLY ORACLE CARD READING  It’s that time again…actually, we are already halfway through this cycle of Mercury Retrograde! Right about now, you’re probably thinking I KNEW IT! That’s why everything has gone awry. So, if you just got frazzled and also weirdly relieved at the mention of this planetary cycle, take a deep breath.…

The Prospering Potential of Tuning Into Your Higher Power

WEEKLY ORACLE CARD READING    How To Pray for Real and Stop Bargaining Before I knew a better way to communicate with the Divine, I used to pray a lot. I always believed in a power greater than me. I just thought that Power was following me around with a fly swatter.  I mentioned…