This is the week I loved when I was little, then over time as life took its turns it became the one I dreaded most, and then changed again into something I was grateful for and looked forward to. (My husband, the holiday elf, is the direct cause of that.) The holidays, in my case Christmas, (you might celebrate one of the other 29 other holidays across the 7 major religions that take place in this season) took on new meaning, like the story in motion reflected in all life. The corridors of time echo for all of us as we are all meaning makers. We assign meaning to periods of time, events, and the stories that accompany them. In many ways this season, certainly for some of us, houses the influence of many ghosts. Maybe you feel this too, the presence of the past, overlapping the now and pointing to what could be in the future. It’s probably why the movie A Christmas Carol was and still is so popular. This is a universal experience.
We can change just like Scrooge. But, we need to surrender our expectations, and all the walls we’ve built for protection and be open to new experiences. It’s hard when you know that attending dinner at your folks will bring up fear and sorrow and unmet desires, loneliness and resentment mixed up with love and longing. Of course, it’s so much easier when you expect to have fun and be merry! Lots of people do! Somewhere in the middle of all of this is a new experience and a softening of possibility, when we can let go and see what wants to be revealed.
I entered this year’s holiday season brimming with hope and gratitude and the holiday spirit then BAM, I have had to revisit some sadness and surrender again. My little dog Bisou (you see her a lot in my videos – she is the cute black and white one) lost the use of her hind legs suddenly last weekend. After going to three different emergency vets, she was transferred to Toronto to the main emergency clinic to see a neurologist. If you’ve been reading my blogs over the years you might remember that four years ago at this very same time our little Olli went to see the same doctor. Now, Olli died six weeks later from meningitis. There is no evidence that Bisou will suffer the same fate, even though we still don’t have any answers as to why this has happened, but it is taking enormous effort to surrender the fear and the deep gut-wrenching sense of helplessness. It’s a weird thing to suddenly experience the old feelings, so many of them now accompanied by the soft yet steady pulse of gratitude. What am I going to make all this mean? What can I learn? How can I remain open and not project the worst?
Of course, what’s been so great is the frankly unexpected outpouring of love from all my friends who reached out from far and wide to lend their support. That is one of the best gifts of a private Facebook page even though I rarely use it. I am so so grateful for it today.
The truth is, my stories of loss no longer wander the halls of time screaming in unexpressed grief and pain, for each one is now gathered up in love and surrounded by beauty and acceptance. I can still hear the echoes of the past but they really are different now.
Today as Marc and I wait, wondering how those little cars work for teeny disabled dogs, I am grateful that I’ve been blessed with the means to look after these furry creatures, and it’s ok that I am also sad and afraid. She might not need one but being prepared doesn’t hurt! So, I can allow space for all of it and know that this is the richness of life’s offerings. Love, loss, beauty, sadness, birth and death, new beginnings, attachment and surrender can all co-exist simultaneously, even when we’re hoping only for what we consider the “good stuff”. I wonder how your holiday is working out for you now. If you’re having a tough time consider this.
The Serenity Prayer, “God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.” has been my constant source of guidance for many years now.
So this week’s reading reminds me yet again of my own personal journey that is interwoven with yours. It’s always amazing how the universe nudges towards all of us in our most vulnerable moments towards gratitude, acceptance, and love.
No matter what is going on for you in your life right now, know you are not alone.
Life is messy and hurtful, beautiful, abundant, wondrous and amazing and we do it together. One day at a time.
I wish you serenity and joy, peace, freedom, and acceptance always and forever.
Merry (fill in the blank)!!
I want to thank you for being part of my world this year. I am going to take a much-needed break and focus on my friends and family and of course fur babies, so there will not be a blog on the 30th. The next time you’ll be reading my next blog with you in mind, we’ll already be manifesting for the new year!!! Video readings, of COURSE, will be the same as always.
BIG LOVE!! See you in 2020!!!
Hi Colette. I had a beautiful collie I rescued when he was an adult. He was in a no-kill shelter that was run with a lot of love but there was no funding for ‘extra’ care and I could see he needed some – his back was out. I found a chiropractor who does the incredible new form of chiropractic called ‘Nucca’. I had great success with that with a chiro in Edmonton named Schmaus, but found one in Lacombe who also does animals. I took Bleu, 3x I think it was, and he was like brand new. He could even lift his leg to pee for the 1st time. (Very important for keeping up with p-mail.) I didn’t ask permission, so maybe don’t post this without it. His name: Brett Jones. Website: Paradigmchiro@gmail.com Phone: 403-7825-5858. I wish you and yours good health, peace, happiness and prosperity in the new year!
Me again. An added note. Vets are using medication for Ticks which can cause terrible problems for dogs. My dog was on that and started having problems I thought were diet related, then also maybe allergies or even fleas because he scratched so much he put his lower back out. Much worry later, I did some research on the Tick medication and he had all those symptoms, but thankfully didn’t die. He had neurological effects, itching, vomiting, change in mood and behavior. Many dogs have worse – from seizures to death. Thankfully he’s recovering now he’s off it: his back legs are getting stronger, the itching is almost gone. His appetitie is back & he’s got his happy back. (Simparica & Bravecto are the drugs.) Thought I should mention that. All the best.
Really glad that your little dog is much better!
Dearest Colette,
My heart is with you. Our pets are our fur children. Thank goodness there are inventions to make our pets have a good life and live longer.
May your holy-days be blessed.
Love and prayers
Diana Davis
Really glad your little dog is ok and getting better!
Thank you for all you do for the highest good of us all! I so appreciate the wisdom you share. Sending heart hugs and love to you and yours! I’m hopeful for a speedy recovery for Bisou. Enjoy your holiday and break. 💞🙏🏼
Thank you for you messaged today , just what I needed . Merry Christmas !
Colette, I am wishing you & Bisou the most magnificent out come or something even better. I lost my dog Carly to cancer in April, so she and all of my other fur babies in heaven will pull at my heart strings this Christmas. Loss is never easy, but it does break your heart wide open. The happy side of my story is that me and my husband adopted Darth, a big lovable Newfoundland from the shelter in November (Birthday present) and he is perfect. I have lost three beautiful fur babies in the last 3 years, so I think that God & the Angels sent me Darth to make me believe in the magic again. You and Bisou will be in my prayers. Love you, Susan
Enjoy a well-deserved break Colette and team! Thank you for the amazing messages year round.
I healed my dog by giving her organic green veggie smoothies every day with her food. I have seen dogs eat raw carrots and cabbage too! I also took her off of conventional dog food and gave her organic food (cooked very little) with rice and other organic food. She overcame her neurological disease which the vet said was incurable. They were amazed!!! There is a lot of toxic junk in dog food and cat food these days.
Merry Christmas and thank you and Mark for all you do!
Trisha Mewhinney
Hi Colette,
Thank you for your blogs and all the work that you do.
Happy holidays to you and yours. My heart goes out to you and your fur baby.
Blessings Kim
Merry everything! Prayers and good vibes being sent for Bisou. I was in a store the other day and saw a pair of Christmas moose and thought of you. Thank you for all you do. You’ve really helped me navigate this spiritual transition I’ve been going through this year. I pray next year will be overflowing with blessings for you.
Much love to you all! Dogs do great on the wheels! Plus there is also water therapy that helps.
Hi Colette,
Im so sorry that your little Bisou is going through this..it feels surreal and is almost hard to breathe when these things happen to our “babies”.
Sending her, and you and Marc healing thoughts for a beautifully- manifested recovery.
Peaceful and Loving thoughts to you all,
Hi Collette! I’m so happy you were able to get to source of the problem and take care of it before it was too late! I hope all turns out well for your baby. Thank you for your work and helping me realize how much gratitude is so key to the foundation of my spiritual life. There are days when I just don’t feel grateful and then I’ll see your blog and card readings and it helps set me on the best path for experiencing gratitude. May you have a much deserved Christmas break and all the blessings this season brings! Let’s get ready for 2020! Blessings, Brenda Kell
Sending love and prayers and lots of positive vibes to you and Bisou and everyone (furry and otherwise) who loves her!
Thank you Colette for sharing your personal experience with this emotional time surrounding your beloved pets health. Prayers for you, and Trust in your Higher Power will help immensely. The Serenity Prayer is such a powerful reminder for us all.
Love and Light to you and yours during this trying time. 2020 is beckoning with much to do!🙏💜🦁
The same thing happened to my dog Moka with the flea/tick meds. He recovered but couldn’t use his legs either.
Now he’s state 4 Kidney/Heart failure and prayer for him everyday. I stopped using any flea medication and started giving more baths and put tea tree oil on his back to help keep fleas away. I’m not sure what happened but he didn’t ever have flea problems again. Possibly prayer!
God Bless you and your family,
Colette my heart & prayers are with you and sweet little Bisou. Thank you so much for the beautiful message 💝
Wishing you the much needed rest, so well deserved over this holiday season. A very merry and blessed Christmas and look forward to continue the journey with you in 2020. Much love & many Angel blessings 😘😘💝💝
Colette, my arms and hearts out to both you and Mark that good things with come to your lovely Bisou. This is heartbreaking and can totally relate to this. Thank you for taking the time to share this with all your loved ones and the beautiful The Serenity Prayer. I have seen some amazing things with other dogs lost both their back legs and the carts and so cute and motivated as they are such loving creatures that only see love in their eyes. Keep us posted after the holidays.
will do thank you for your kind words
big blessings and thank you
thanx for writing Kristine !
2020 is going to be awesome!
Thank you for sharing as you do. Wishing you and yours Happiness and Ease during this holiday season.
I am so sorry to hear about Bisou. You will be in my thoughts and prayers. I wish you much love during this difficult time.
First time I wrote, sending you all my light and love for your family and your little dog, Bisou
Sending you so much love beautiful soul xx
Collette my heart goes out to you, sending you and Marc big warm hugs and sending your little dog gentle kisses. Praying for the best possible outcome and for a peaceful holiday season for all. xoxo
Sending a lot of healing vibes and kisses to your lovely Fur Baby Bisou (I know in French it means Kiss, because I studied the language a little). Hope it is already better, and will be well in the next days. Holiday season for me and my family is often difficult because of seasonal illnesses. I often get flu in this period of year, and last year I had Christmas lunch only with my parents because the baby child of my brother took a very infective virus at the nursery school and transmitted to all her family, parents, grandparents and elder daughter. This year seems they all stay well, but I have a bad cold. Mum asked me if I would stay home, but I live alone, and don’t want to spend the Christmas day without the warm hug of someone I love…
Dear Colette,
Thank you so much for a beautiful and inspiring blog.
I am sorry to hear about your puppy! I hope everything turns out fine.
And thank you for the serenity prayer! I must confess it came in handy for me during the past three days.
I wish you a merry merry holiday season and all the best for your puppy.