How to Forgive Yourself

WEEKLY ORACLE CARD READING  Are you your own worst enemy? Do your regrets and pains run through your mind like a broken record? Are you still beating yourself up for saying the “wrong” thing, getting a parking ticket last month, or eating that tub of ice cream last night? Do you know how to…

Oracle Card Readings – Not to Predict but to Help You Shift

WEEKLY ORACLE CARD READING  This week I was inspired to choose an Oracle Card to point me in a direction of what to share with you and from the Enchanted Map deck, I picked the card Education. So with this in mind, I asked myself what I might offer you as something to learn…

The Power of Love

WEEKLY ORACLE CARD READING  Over the last several years, I’ve written and talked on the radio about the power of love and how important it is to use your intuition when it comes to love, dating, and relationships. I’ve talked about everything from reinventing your love life and changing your dating mindset to using…

Find Your Voice

WEEKLY ORACLE CARD READING  This week I noticed a theme that I picked up on during conversations with various people I thought I’d bring to you. I noticed there was a recurring discussion about speaking the truth, using your voice in a powerful way, and dealing with the consequences of what happens when you…

Simple Habits to Manifest Change

WEEKLY ORACLE CARD READING  I am always pretty much in sync with everyone else by the end of January still considering change and transformation as a bit of a sport I might actually win. Yes, I have learned how to make change into a game since I am not always successful in avoiding the…

More to Life!

WEEKLY ORACLE CARD READING  Do you believe there could be more to life than what you’ve come to expect? Absolutely!  By asking yourself the question, “Where am I right now?”  you are really asking, “What state of mind am I in and how could I describe that using the metaphor of a physical place…

How to Set Intentions for the New Year Into Motion: Count Your Teeniest Wins!

WEEKLY ORACLE CARD READING  At the beginning of every year, there’s an energy that’s palpable where you feel such huge promise for newness, in every way. Yes, we all get to start again! YAY. Yoga, Pilates, promises to yourself to change your diet, let go of the old habits that messed you up the…

Divine your Destiny in 2020 – My Tips for You! 5 steps to have your best year yet

WEEKLY ORACLE CARD READING  Happy New Year. HELLO, 2020!!! A new decade has arrived with much wonderful fanfare and big promise and potential brimming for us all. This year could prove to be your most amazing yet. I for one am happy to say goodbye to 2019—a disruptive chaotic year with so many twists…