How to Stop the Fear Virus

WEEKLY ORACLE CARD READING    I’m sure you’ve noticed no matter where you live in the world that a great big inconvenient and temporary change is upon us. Certainty is a scarcity and everything is swirling in a vortex of unpredictability.  We’ve all become susceptible to a virus … but not just the one…

New Life

WEEKLY ORACLE CARD READING    Do you know how much Spirit loves you? How the Divine Consciousness (Quantum Fred, God, The Dude, Mary and/or whoever else you name Divine) sees you as a spark of its own Infinite Unlimited Potential? That you are definitely not here as a mistake, that your dreams are most…

How to Forgive Yourself

WEEKLY ORACLE CARD READING  Are you your own worst enemy? Do your regrets and pains run through your mind like a broken record? Are you still beating yourself up for saying the “wrong” thing, getting a parking ticket last month, or eating that tub of ice cream last night? Do you know how to…