This week, we move into the dreamy energy of Pisces, where Spirit and the mystical beckon us inward. We have also just recently stepped into the Chinese New Year of the Snake, symbolizing transformation and the changes that come as we “shed the skins” of the reality we are leaving behind. The universal year is a 9 in numerology, which is also about endings, conclusions, and tying up loose ends.
So, what’s the invitation?
It’s time to get curious as we step forward, eyes open to all that is happening in our world, and naturally ask WTF??? (Where The Faith? Or What the F***K—you pick.)
For me, I experience a bit of both, but in the end, it doesn’t matter the question really, it’s the action that is most important. Remember what happens when a snake sheds its skin—at first, the new skin is pink, tender, and vulnerable as it regenerates.
This month reminds us of the same. Be gentle with yourself. Rest as much as you can. Try not to take in anything that is junk-like.
Ask yourself:
- Is this nourishing for me?
- Does it serve me to continuously watch this, focus on this, or spend my time on this?
- Can I remember I am here on purpose, with purpose, and that I matter?
- What is the most respectful thing I can do for myself and my loved ones?
- Can I remain stable and grounded while choosing to be gentle and generous with myself first?
It’s true—January is a motivating month, and statistics show that February can be more difficult. Be aware that the turtle wins the race, and tiny steps can take you a long way.
Sometimes, you need to give yourself permission to “sit this one out” so you can gather your strength, resilience, and fortitude—grounded in both flexibility and faith. Faith and hope in what is not yet revealed, trust in the invisible divinity and goodness in the world. Act as if you believe. Spread kindness wherever you can and make no assumptions.
In times like these, I remember one line:
“Be Still, and know that I am God.”
Even if I teeter-totter (which I do!), I do my best to stay present in the fullness of knowing that I don’t know, but the Universe does, and I must be present to its unfolding.
We all have that small part to play. This month, that part is being gentle with ourselves and generous with others (even if it’s really really, really hard). Or, at the very least, not adding to the suffering.
And remember the Serenity Prayer:
“God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
Courage to change the things I can
And the wisdom to know the difference.”
Hugs, hugs, and more hugs (if you want one).
P.S. One of the best things I discovered while on the path to writing my new book The Art of Manifesting, was the extraordinary power of gratitude circles. They reduce anxiety and offer a fun, effective way to practice gratitude.
Here’s how you do it:
- Grab a notebook and a fineliner pen.
- Draw circles of all sizes on the page—they can overlap.
- Then, in the gaps, draw tiny bubbles.
- The entire time just keep your focus on deliberately giving thanks.
Sometimes, it’s hard to start, so I remember the feeling I had when I smelled the breath of my dog Bisou when she was a puppy, how my heart swelled with gratitude. Then, I keep that feeling and draw.
Try it. You’ll love it.