October has been a month rich with connection for me. How about you?
It’s a relational month, and I’ve had the opportunity to reflect on how I connect with others and how they connect with me. Have you seen yourself reflected in the experience of those around you? Have you noticed your own growth, or maybe what you might want to change?
I had the immense pleasure of working with and hanging out with some of my favorite people at Mystical Connections, the online event Hay House put on last week. I don’t take for granted the quality of these relationships and the impact we collectively share. We understand each other, and there is a lot of respect and genuine love given and received. Plus, it’s a chance to get totally goofy and let off some steam!
The next couple of weeks bring a new kind of intensity. I always look forward to the Hunter Moon, this week’s Full Moon in Aries, as it never disappoints. If the sky is clear, this moon shines large and luminous and low in the sky, always tinged with orange, a color associated with connection, relationship, and vitality.
Even though this moon is always so gorgeous to look at, I always feel the intensity of a Full Moon being ruled by the moon (I’m a Cancer) so I’m acutely aware of dialing down the drama given the atmosphere. This week’s Full Moon is no exception especially since Aries is such a GO GET EM! energy.
Fall always reminds me of the cycles of life. The cold air setting in makes our morning walks brisk. This year, the leaves are falling in strange patterns, with trees changing colors at different times, no longer in sync with one another. It reminds me of how the greater world has been presenting too. This too shall pass. It’s not the first time this has happened.
Fall is also that last blaze of glory before winter calls us inward. Days are shorter and the squirrels are gathering pine cones and acorns, while the main flock of 35 wild turkeys march across our property, morning, afternoon and dusk. “Gobble gobble” sounds resound through the airwaves, and the blur of them scattering everywhere until the males spread their feathers and get everyone in line back into the forest is a lot of fun to watch.
We haven’t taken care of one of the broken screens in our shed, and I am not going to remind Marc about it, because I actually get a real kick out of opening the door in spring and watching the huge spillage of pine cones we think got forgotten in there. I mean there are hundreds. How many pine cones does a squirrel need? Plus, I find it so interesting that they never leave any poop! Our shed is clean and filled with food. Just in case….
Nature knows how to take care of itself, how to provide, how to shelter, how to grow, how to adapt, how to die and be reborn. Everything is connected. Everything ebbs and flows, and change is the only constant. Spend enough time in Nature and you notice how alive even a blade of grass is.
I believe there is a Spirit in all things, an ever-abiding Consciousness that knows us is inside us, and all around us. Our biggest folly is to move towards control, dominance, power over as if we were the generators, and source of everything. I don’t need to elaborate on that.
Seth Godin’s blog really resonated when he referred to these times:
“The Tofflers explained that Future Shock kicks in when the world changes faster than we’re ready for. We react instead of respond, and often shut down in the face of too much of the new.
When our world changes (and it always does, more now than ever) we have four choices. And only one of them is helpful.
DENY: We can pretend that the world isn’t changing, that nothing is different and angrily push back on any evidence to the contrary. We can see the change as a personal affront, and insist that it’s not real or doesn’t matter.
GIVE UP: The contrary position is seductive as well. We can embrace our perceived powerlessness and simply stop trying.
CONTROL: While some understate their power, others overstate it. We can attempt to institute draconian measures, shortcut existing systems and demand that things go the way we want them to. You can hold back the ocean for a little while, but it always finds a way. It’s hard to make the tide against the law.
RESPOND: And this path is the resilient one, the one that not only makes it more likely we’ll achieve something but also engages us in productive work. Responders see and acknowledge the situation, then use their resources to make an impact. It never works out exactly the way we hope, but it usually works out better than any of the other paths.”
I couldn’t have said it better, but I will add that this is an amazing time to remember your dreams matter, your service matters, your life, your creations all of it matters.
During times of great change and social stress is where, if you choose to respond to life on life’s terms, AND recognize your immense spiritual manifestation power, miracles can happen. A New Earth is calling.
So now is the time to write that book, start that business, do what you can to help in any way, you can, knowing what you can and cannot change.
So, that’s why I am so excited to start my new expanded course The Spirit of Your Business next week. I think today is the last day you can join. I have taken a metaphysical and spiritual approach to everything I’ve been called to create and especially my overall business so I’m going to reveal all my secrets for success beyond the practical earthbound advice you can get anywhere (which is still important too) including an artistic process that really works for manifesting your goals. I’m excited to coach people real time too.
So, as I get prepared, I am going to practice gratitude for all that is and is not yet in this world, asking only for guidance on how to serve, and for the strength and humility to do my part. You and me and everyone else chose to be here at this time. You have a destiny!
I’ve come to know one prayer, one special prayer to say daily that has really helped me and I hope it will help you too.
“Thank you for my life, show me how to serve, they will be done through me so surprise me and give me the strength to show up for all of it. Amen.”