Oracle Message: Dragonfly Spirit is here to remind you of the wisdom and truth available at all times in the hidden realms. Just as a dragonfly catches your eye with its reflective wings and body, Dragonfly Spirit appears to tell you to pay attention to the truth beyond the illusion and recognize the insights that come seemingly out of nowhere, peeking through from behind the veil. In the realm of Spirit, there is far more wisdom than you can perceive with your senses, and there is a deep knowing that you are not separate or alone, for a Higher Power recognizes you and loves you beyond measure. Fears dissipate as you realize you are embraced by the nurturing force that is everywhere, always in communication with you.

Alighting when you are preoccupied, Dragonfly Spirit offers this message: You exist in unity with all, including the protective spirits who share their wisdom, and you are being nudged along the path your soul needs to travel to have the experiences it craves.

Love exists in many forms, and sometimes we overlook it when we don’t recognize a particular form. Pay attention to the signs now; they remind you that each of us have inspired dreams seamlessly sewn into the fabric of the invisible world, and there is a Great Consciousness that exists in the seemingly empty spaces, guiding us on our journey. Open to the truth, letting the wisdom of the hidden realms inform you, providing insights your conscious mind overlooks.