Are you Sending out an SOS? Upgrade Your Spiritual Operating System!!

Updated: May 30, 2016

Dearest you,

I’d like to invite you to join me this week to prove to yourself a few important points when you’re in the SOS mindset of someone come and help me- get this off the ground -understand my kids – control my partners behavior- find my soul mate-put more money in the bank- save me from my dry as a desert life- or- keep me on top of the game or make me #1 etc. etc. ad-infinitum!

Whatever it is if you’re looking to get rescued – you don’t need someone to come fix you, or understand you, whoop you into shape or remove your pain- you need an upgrade to your Spiritual Operating System.

I write about gratitude a lot because it’s such a key component of co-creation I believe it should be taught in schools! I mean honestly a dose of gratitude is like shouting ABRA CA DABRA to the universe and watching the world go from grey to Technicolor.

The thing is it’s not the first thing one thinks about when you feel stuck because you’ve snuck in a peek at someone else’s success, or their fab life that doesn’t look at all like yours (yet). BAM all of a sudden you go from an abundant mindset to the scarcity one, staring at the gaping maw of an endless timeline between the goal you set and the getting there part.

This happens to all of us. It’s actually one of my favorite parts when working with my small group of coaching clients who are already very successful influencers, or well on their way to manifesting big dreams of serving their unique gifts to the world, and I can tell you this happens to the best of ‘em.

Every once in a while during the process of shifting between worlds, when you still have one foot in the past and one in the world that you’re in process of co-creating, you might fall asleep at the wheel and cry SOS!

So how do you test your Spiritual Operating System to ensure that it’s functioning at its optimum best? Compare your internal moods and dialog when you’ve fallen prey to spiritual narcolepsy vs when you are in the co-creative flow of manifesting what you’re calling in.

Here is a way to test it.

If you feel contracted, controlling, competitive, better than, entitled, arrogant, resentful, and see the world as moving parts that you need to manipulate and accumulate so you have more than others, your SOS might be up for repair. If you are running on fear, perfectionism, attachment, obsession, comparisons, judgment, and chasing the special arrival date of happiness, your SOS definitely needs a tune up.

The result of this thinking and feeling will be that you’ll tune into a frequency of scarcity and limitation and you will manifest more of the same. You will experience a virtual reality that will reflect all that back to you. The universe is perfect – Spirit doesn’t take sides.. just listens to the repetitive reinforced stories we tell and serves them right back up to us in a tangible form we can’t possibly miss.

If you can manage to wake yourself up by focusing on being grateful for every experience, every step, every failure, every win, every moment , every breath, every bite, every smile, every heartache, every single thing you infuse with gratitude comes alive tenfold.

Gratitude sparks the life of openness, inspiration, creativity, selflessness, joy, awe, reverence, compassion, empathy and love… lots of that, oh and success too- whatever your definition. Thank You is the magic key to a well- oiled Spiritual Operating System.

Bless your losses, and bless your wounded self that was taught to believe there isn’t enough to go around, that you might not be enough. Bless the ambitions you’re driven to pursue in service to the highest good, bless all the shadowy parts you don’t want to admit you have hiding in the dark places in your heart too. Bless your need to love and be loved and to make a difference and bless everything and be grateful for everything and you will stop fighting and all of a sudden begin to know the kind of curiosity about life that leads to miracles.

Love to hear how you have experienced both of these states of mind. Gratitude is also an amazing way to kick-start your intuition too.

( PS if you’ve taken my basic oracle card course join me for Level 2 and be an oracle card reading ROCK STAR fueled on gratitude, grace and Spirit!)

Love you so much!

love colette 200x103





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  • Lisa

    Colette .. How great it is to come home from doing a group reading/channeling session and get to read YOUR FABULOUS BLOG .. Holy smokes ! .. Spirit LOVES me !
    The whole message that came through was about being grateful .. I had an wonderful time , the message was clear, to have fun, To live with an open heart, and to be grateful for all experiences . .. I read your blog as soon as I got home from that session . And thank you is my go to tool/mantra !
    After many years on the path, sometimes more awake than at other times, I began using ho’oponopono daily, momently. Thank you is the mantra I use on all things all the time … I still have stuff .. Yet every thank you lessens the effect that stuff has on my life .
    Life is so much better than it was 6 years ago, and it is safe to say that the magic of thank you,, is life changing, is powerful and simple to use.
    I sometimes can cause myself struggle, which can lead to the place where I feel like I am not enough or that I failed in some way. For instance, the Uncharted weekend workshop, which seems to grab my attention constantly, I want to attend, and I do have enough money coming , the date of its arrival is unknown. So I could let myself slide down the slippery slope, where, of course it does not come in time because of my poor manifesting skills .. Luckily i am awake enough to use the thank you wand on that kind of dreadful story ! .. Instead I tell myself it could show in time, and even if it does not, it simply means that Uncharted was not for me at this time.
    As you have repeated many times, what is for us won’t go past us.
    I am so thankful for that teaching .. Gratitude is great ! .. And you are a marvelous being ! .. So I won’t even cross my fingers to go.. Instead I will know that whatever happens, that it is exactly as it is meant to be ..
    Much Repect,

    • 10xMK

      Gratitude is great !
      I love this. DECIDE to go Lisa, COMMIT. And you’ll open your doors through…xoxox

    • Anonymous

      Loved your blog this week on gratitude. Always look forward to your oracle card reading and blog. Thanks Collette and thanks to spirit for what he sends, some of my most challenging times have made so much more understanding of the lessons spirit was teaching me.

    • Michelle Mulnix

      Welcome back to YOU and your precous family, to the Valley of the Sun! Arizona!!!! Beautiful Colette!! SO honored to have your healing presence in the Valley if only a brief time. Perfect weather! ENJOY your wonderful weekend with Denise and Lisa…& Lisa. Glorious! DWR-II! Celebrating Gratitude for the gift of YOU!!!! BIG HUGS of gratitude…♡♡♡ Thanks for sharing you CBR. Seriously BETTER THAN cbt. 😉

      • Colette Baron-Reid

        look forward to the sun 😉

        • Johanne Cyr

          Hi Colette; your timing is such a blessing. SOS !! I am feeling pressure (self-imposing) to get going, time is running out, so much to do, so much to say and the cards are telling me to slow down. Time to breathe ! I so often catch myself not breathing properly and have made it a point to focus on my breathing when faced with undesirable moments any given time. I quietly checked in with myself at that very moment to see if I’m breathing deeply….. makes a huge difference on the outcome of ‘the moment’. Thank you for your rendition of ‘gratitude’ and the benefits. I seem to have gotten into the habit of the minute I put my hands on the steering wheel everyday I recite 5 things I am grateful for. Wayne Dyer reminds me daily to say ‘thankyou’ when I wake up in the morning before getting out of bed and just before I ask Spirit to guide me through the new day. My last check-over in the mirror before leaving for work i tell myself ” I love you, let’s do this” is new and not always easy especially if I’m feeling ‘off’. I have to say though that my SOS falls short regularly lately ( so much to do and how to do it right). I meditate, I check in with you daily and to all that engage with you to be reminded that I am not alone and together we will all grow and slide back and climb up again. Thanks CBR

    • Bobbi Williams

      Right on time!! Collette, At Reiki Share a fellow practitioner told me in tears after working the Angels are saying “what is stopping you?” this really got to me. I woke up struggling with urgency and not knowing! This week’s message rocked me to ease into my soul’s direction- nice and easy- with awareness and gratitude. Thank you so much!

  • Jocelyne

    Greetings Colette!

    A perfect reading for me today as May 30th is my Birthday and it ties in really nicely with 4 cards I pulled for myself, including ‘New Life”.
    I am often a little impatient with myself and have a feeling that I am running out of time, even more so when I have gained another year.
    My spiritual operating system has had a huge reboot this year with different spiritual trainings I have been doing, creating much inner change and a feeling of being unsettled as it all rearranges itself. Thus, this is perfect, as always!
    Very excited to begin the next Oracle Card course with you, and that sense of excitement is not usually what I feel right after a birthday. 😉

    You are just buzzing and glowing of late and I sense there is much excitement and growth for you right now too!


    Blessings to you.xx

  • 10xMK

    Loved this message, exactly the piece I had been missing. I have been ASKING for guidance and desperate to break out of the ‘prison’ of limitations of trauma. ENOUGH. I am looking at a work option and would like to go for it, yet SCARED so much as I am scared a past humiliation would repeat. I HAVE to get stronger, and give me back to life.

    Gratitude helps me put me at ease, I was reminded last night as I re-wrote my goals and GRATITUDES and SUCCESSES (5 each nightly), put me at ease to sleep 🙂
    This morning this message popped up 🙂 fresh off the CBR computer. You are SO right all the fears and derails all always can be softened with a touch of Gratitude to sooth us back into a breath that can open us to New Life.

    Love you muchos CBR ♡
    In deep gratitude….xoxo

    • Colette Baron-Reid


      • karen copeland

        Thank-you for the reminder of the importanceof the essential gratitude attitude.

        Angel Blessings

  • Mindy

    Hi Colette,
    In my process of healing and forgiving I am reminded to stay in the state of grace and gratefulness for all the lessons I have learned. I love your blog but especially this message because it reminds me to stay the course with love and blessings for myself and for others for this is when I feel truly in the flow of Spirit.
    Thank you & bless you,

  • Jenn

    Really needed this!! Thank you so much, it has really opened my eyes to reevaluate my SOS.

  • J

    One thing I like to tell myself when I catch myself in the scarcity mindset is that, just because things were that way before or feel that way now, doesn’t mean that they will continue to be that way forever and ever. I remind myself that things change. If I can muster even the smallest amount of trust and gratitude, and take the smallest steps that I know I can take to get where I want to be, miracles happen.

    One thing that I realized was important too is that my feelings don’t necessarily manifest anything (other than coloring my current reality). I struggle with mental illness so when I have very down days, it helps to remember how kind and compassionate Goddess is, that my darkest thoughts/fears don’t manifest. It’s a humbling reminder that sparks enormous gratitude for *not* being in control.

  • Jen

    WOW Colette!

    This is EXACTLY what I was needing to hear – how do you know?? :0) Recently I’ve abandoned my old job/career path to pursue my own business. And needless to say, it’s been bumpy! Good growth, moderate success, a period of fantastic success, then recently a long dry (terrifying!) period. I knew I was playing a big part in it but felt SO stuck! I was the one directing the continuation of misery and dipped into this “scarcity,” desperate place! Just like you say – begging Spirit, and others I depend on (my “Dream Team” on the Other Side!) for help!

    Not a usual place for me to reside in. I’m usually pretty on top of feeling grateful and peaceful. But when money and safety/security gets compromised – that is scariest to me.

    Thank you so much for this post! I think it was the crucial missing piece to get me back on a healthy, prosperous track! I will be giving thanks for everything that is happening, “good” or “bad!” Time to get back on track!!

    Thanks for all that you do!!



  • Jessica


    Been following for a while, but usually just think “this was great and thank you!”, well this time I decided to speak up! (or write up? lol). So funny for this week’s reading…not sure why but while I can’t say that life has been slowing down, for the past month (or two) I’ve been getting this nagging feeling that says “wait” and “not yet” and while I tend not to be that patient, or go into fear mode if enough people start pushing around; for the first time I’ve simply been able to listen to that internal voice and still wait. So thank you for confirming yet again that yes, I’m not crazy for slowing down a bit, and for making me feel that I’m not so crazy after all when my mind says I should get moving yesterday, and my heart whispers…not quite yet =).

    • Jessica

      Goodness, seems I forgot to say good bye =D.


    • Colette Baron-Reid

      thanx for sharing Jessica.. and nope you are not crazy 😉

  • Rolene

    I love this! A partnership venture I was meant to be involved in did not happen and after having a pity party that long overstayed its welcome I started to say thank you Spirit – because you removed something that perhaps could have been a negative situation and opportunities in the field I love are starting to open up and I am enjoying the process of applying instead of worrying if they manifest or not. I have decided to let fun be my attitude and if they manifest – they were meant to be, if not, I had a blast! I have also said thank you and expressed my gratitude for one of my most precious relationships where the man I love after suffering a trauma, made a choice that my intuition says was based on fear but because I am in a state of gratitude, I am able to be the best support system I can be through a very trying time for him. Without teachers like you, I would not have the perspective that I do. THANK YOU so much for your superb guidance!

  • Karen

    Good morning!
    I’ve been running and trying to manipulate everything in my life lately. And golly gee… Nothing seems to be working. The women I’d like to get to know…. It isn’t happening. The construction work I’m trying to get done immediately… Isn’t being competed. I’m angry with everyone lately. I thought something was really wrong with me. So I gave it again to the Universe and decided too Just Be. Oh man, life is a little easier these past few days. I feel so much lighter and happier these days. AND I’m saying every morning when I walk to work how Grateful I am because I am.
    Have a wonderful day ?

  • Renee Sugar

    Thank you Colette. Loved receiving the invitation to the blog in my E-mail box today. Somewhere between stumbled, tumbled, and humbled.
    Always in the right place at the right time has been an affirmation I practice regularly. In fact recently I had been dealing with a very difficult situation living next door to an addict with acute mental health issues or let’s just say out of balance. It was very challenging to practice a non-judgemental attitude. To pray for this person and somehow invite Spirit to intervene and guide him to a place of peace, and to aid him to find his way to a place of healing and grace. I will honestly say that I did not LIKE what was unfolding as it was so unpredictable, and impacted on the peace and enjoyment of my home, but I could not cause his behavior, couldn’t control cure him
    of the erratic mood swings. There were moments when rage erupted like a volcano, followed by bursts of joyful laughter. Suffice it to say, it was unlike anything I had experienced to date and resulted in needing to make several phone calls to the police at all hours of the night.

    On the upside, last week during another angry eruption, a glass door was smashed and I did make the call. The police arrived shortly thereafter, and that night the young man was on his way. I practiced sending energy healing and prayed for him. He is now undergoing counselling, and so is his girlfriend. He is not permitted to live in the condo, and there is a legal matter underway between the owner of the condo, and the management. It required more patience than I thought I had. It required tolerance, grace, and understanding and as I was participating in being the eyes and ears that witnessed and heard things that I wish I didn’t . I learned that divine timing is everything. There was an end to this but I couldn’t know when that would happen. Over five months of enduring being awakened by the behavior of this person at all hours of the night. Being exposed to a stream of visitors who were more than likely involved in some king of drug culture was very unsettling and uncomfortable; but I’m still here. I wouldn’t say that it was a blessing; but somehow I prayed for the outcome that served the best interests of all concerned . The last night he was living there; I lifted the phone from the set to make sure the extension cord was connected and thought I would here a dial tone. There was someone on the line; it was the police, and as the phone didn’t even ring, I was in the RIGHT PLACE at the RIGHT TIME to open the building door so they could enter.

    I am learning to welcome the gift of peace again; although it feels foreign after an absence. Spirit did have a plan and does have mine and others’ wellbeing at heart. I needed to learn to stand up and not be afraid. I needed to ask for help, both angelic and from the right people who were working on behalf of co-creating an outcome that did serve the highest and best for all. It took quite a while to happen, and now I have experienced another flavor of life. Trying to heal, and move forward. It felt like I was a hostage and I was not alone as others were being affected and came forward. Life comes in all shapes and sizes, and what may not be clear at this time is WHY?? I had to experience this? I trust that it had its place in the scheme of things. I learned to trust my instincts and to protect myself, and not accept the unacceptable. Learning to respond, to stand up and be counted, and to be heard was a growing opportunity maybe not in the form I would have chosen; but “If it doesn’t kill you; It will make you stronger” Friedrich Nietzche. Now ready for some joy, and celebration!!!! Life is a series of contrasts, and unexpected gifts.

  • Renata M. Kolbus

    Hi Collete:

    As a reflective reminder, you gracefully called it. No matter how evolved one is spiritually – as you say – We all have times of SOS entering our lives. There are points in time in which, while following our heart centered expression into the world, we hit walls or encounter an obstacle – sometimes it is necessary to observe and reflect on others journey’s as a means of constructively seeing how possibly one has overcome.

    We are creatures of habit and sometimes one must observe the habits of others in order to learn both positive and negative approach behavior. Asking God and Mother Nature – paying attention to signs and symbolism is imperative to gain clarity. Comparing oneself is destructive – While aligning in favor can bring exact clarity for how one must proceed – pending the fork in the road. It is foolish for one to not take into the accounts of others, in order to avoid potential hazards that may apply in any particular situation or circumstance. Individualized expression will filter that that best serves you. It does not mean you are less than for bringing on a mentor to your team – having reality checks and taking peaks at different perceptions.

    The highest form of thankfulness and gratitude is to acknowledge and see the struggles that other have or are going through as a means of filtering. Being blessed for the lessons and than seeding a deep knowing of what is best for ones own evolution – There are times when we do not have the answers coming – you stall and if you are at all motivated to recognize a rut or funk than you will seek until the right feelings of direction appear.

    Ultimately it is the contract that you have with God and your higher self that will take direction and action. The gratitude is in the awareness and staying awake to possibility. Knowing others may have gone before you etc., ensures that with ones own personality the choice of engagement or not. Staying in the game of life is a huge opportunity for rich abundance in all areas of ones life. That is the beauty that exists on a soul level. We are here and best to make the best of it and give gratitude to those willing enough to share their vulnerable areas – it makes it real, tangible, honest and TRUTH be told – creates Love and Compassion – Lasting Omnipresence Vitally Essential (Love) -to all living things …… and Come Pass It On (Compassion) Rmk Copyright 2016

  • Adrian Fran

    Gratitude has been something I have been trying to invite more into my life! I in fact have an acquaintance who is struggling right now with some demons of addiction, and have been trying my best to comfort him anyway I know how without trying to come across to strong emotionally. It is such a sad feeling as a former addict to watch others suffer because I can truly feel their pain, understand their confusion and identify their struggles. As I mention before we are only acquaintances and I am not really in his ‘inner-circle’ so I try not to force myself into the situations where we get into serious talking mode and usually wait for him to come to me when he wants to talk and sometimes I feel like me may get the wrong message and that I am ignoring him or not taking him serious enough. The last couple of conversations have been great, I managed to lift him out of the darkness he was in, and can only hope he continues on that path with or without me because that is what gratitude has taught me…. and you! 😉

  • Susan

    Hi Colette, I am already signed up for your newsletter. However, every time I try to open it on my iPhone your pop-up comes up to sign up for your newsletter. This would be ok except on my iPhone I can’t get to the pop up to close it and therefore can’t read your blog. Is there something I’m doing incorrectly?

  • Kathy

    Hi Colette,

    I have just found you and everything you say resonates on so many levels.

    I’m a 58 year old successful business owner, Mother, wife and Grandma who is in the start of Saturn returns and some big transitions. My world is flipping upside down as my corporate business is going away and my Soul is craving a different kind of connection. I’ve been looking to everyone from coaches to friends to solve this for me and I know they can’t. It’s time to look inside and part of that is being grateful for all the amazing abundance currently in my life. Love, love, love your messages and your new card deck.

    Please keep doing what you’re doing. Every blog I read and card reading I listen to seems to have a personal message for me. Today was “fork in the road” in protection position. 🙂

    Thank you. <3

  • Vil

    So true … the hard part is to really, really, truly be grateful for all of the “bad” things and even the “good” things as they are, and NOT as a part of of a subtle, higher minded way of trying to get a specific outcome. So if I say I’m grateful for being hungry with the idea in mind that “someday I will get to eat my fill”, or saying I’m grateful for my friends with the idea in mind that “I’m always going to have these friends or friends in general” then my gratitude is conditional and I’m and not really embracing and being truly grateful for ‘what is’ exactly as it is right now … That’s what I’m working on.

    • Colette Baron-Reid

      good call.. I like this.. conditional gratitude is not humility it has an inherent want in it .. Gratitude plus surrender.. that equals transformation

  • Sandra Slavec

    Hi Colette,

    I’m guilty of sending SOS’s of late but I’ve also started a gratitude journal a couple of months ago, and it definitely has a soothing effect. Along with daily meditation I’m finding my intuition is getting stronger and I’m more open to new possibilities and opportunities.

  • Leigh

    Right-on, Colette!! Gratitude paves the road to happiness. Thank you for who you are and all that you do to help me keep my SOS tuned up. Can’t wait to learn more from you in Level 2!

    In gratitude,

  • Beth

    I’m constantly giving thanks through my day for the “little” things that work out better than I expected, and for the “really big” things that happen totally out of the blue, but I don’t always remember to be grateful for the things that I’d rather didn’t happen at all. 🙂

    Interesting card reading this week…I’ve been getting the message to “slow down” for over three years now…every time I think I’ve slowed my life and myself to almost a stand-still, I get the message again. I keep hearing/receiving it, but I’m unsure how it go about it, or what area I need to slow down in.

    Thanks again for sharing your wisdom and insights with us.

  • Mary Jo Nicosia

    Colette, I just can’t seem topullmyself up by the bootstraps,! I feel pull of my gremlin taking me back down. To the bowels of despair. FEAR is striking out and poisoning me, leaving me paralyzed. Suggesting sliding into dangerous bad habits,which leads mebacktogoing. Into hiding. And then the depression swallows me whole. SOS

    • Colette Baron-Reid

      breathe- meditate- breathe – meditate -breathe this too shall pass oxoxox

  • KP

    Very Timely – and as always awesomely on the mark.

    This last week has been a little testing – just a little. Employer advised that our business unit was under “process review” – the unit next door went under process review and are now heading out the door with all their jobs outsourced to another country – hmmm. We will wait and see on that one – worst case scenario we follow and I will get something better that I love more – so that would be a blessing, easiest case scenario – our unit is retained and we get some fabulous new ways of doing our daily tasks – again that too would be awesome. Just really scary even thinking about relaunching on the job market with a hungry mortgage to feed on my own – but this has given me a chance to call on spirit and tell them I am really pooping myself silly and then receive their calmness – that has been a powerful learning and one I am eternally thankfull for.

    Then to make things a little bit more exciting a pole jumped out and hit the back door of my car – although not being a mechanic myself – I think the door will need to be replaced – so option 1 make claim on insurance – they will write of car which will mean I need to somehow finance a new car with prospect of no job in couple of months to service loan – that is amusing – but I will have a nice new to me car so that will be cool; or let it be and get it fixed when this job is confirmed or I am in new job – that will be cool as I will still have my lovely old faithful; or option c – it is a mystery that the universe will provide when the time is right and that will be cool too.

    Scary is an entertaining feeling but it is great having such a awesome community and your good self who share their life findings and who ultimately reassure – it is going to be alright – the best is just down the road awaiting me to arrive. Tests are nothing but that – tests, wee speed bumps to bounce me back to where I ought to be, and this weeks message, I love, very timely and one I am truly thankful for. – the speed bumps are really quite funny in a very strange sense, and definitely something to be thankful for – if things do go belly up and I have to give up the house – I am feeling deep down most assured that rock bottom will be an opportunity where limited choice will put me well on the path to realignment where I can serve what spirit wants for me and spirits will – not what I want from spirit and my will. So again your message – most timely so maybe if I take heed – I wont have to hurtle down the road of rock bottom.

    Just as I was signing off I could hear the song Thank you for the music – which I then thought of Barry Mannilow – so I did a quick search and found a random website with a photo of Barry playing his piano with a big Smiley on the screen behind him – which for me then took me straight to Slash and the recent SMKC “World on Fire” tour he has just come off – Brent Fitz’s tour drum kit had a smiley on it too – really strange synchronicity yet to be revealed but also very calming (SMKC rock music always calms and centres me – which is probably not what R”N’R is generally known for). The website also pointed to Abba singing the song as well. So I will go and muse on that now and put some much needed guitar chord progression practice into play.

    Toodles everyone and Big Thanks – my apologies for the length.

  • Janice

    Hi Colette,
    I really needed this message today. Yesterday was my follow-up appointment for my cancer check. I had 2 types of ovarian cancer, but Spirit was with me through the whole process. I received great news and yet I woke up feeling sad and lonely this morning. Your blog reminded me to give thanks for all the good in my life. Thank you for coming into my life when I really needed to hear your messages.

    Love and blessings,

  • Karen Lee

    Perfect forecast this week Coleen! My hubby just checked out of the coronary care unit after a quadruple bypass on Saturday the 29th. He is doing well and I am his lovely caregiver. It does feel like we are standing still and putting our plans on hold, but hey …. you got to have a heart with the right tick tock. I feel so grateful he made it through this operation and I know he will be better off with more energy now once he makes full recovery. Love you dear!

  • Reg

    Thanks for the reminder of gratitude. I’ve hit a bit of a “perfect storm” in downward economic trend, and things had reached a critical state both without and within. Being reminded of the power of gratitude was the perfect tonic. I’m still rereading this post, and all the great comments. Thanks again so much.

  • Catherine

    Always Grateful! Thank you!

  • Ali

    This message really resonated with me this week. I’ve been feeling like I’ve come a long way in my spiritual development and emotional healing. Then, this week just hit me like a ton of bricks and I back slid mentally and emotionally, with that backslide culminating in a mini breakdown last night. I’m back on my feet today, back in my truth. Your advice could not be better timed. Since I’ve been reading your weekly blog posts and watching the universal energies reading videos, I’ve started to notice that my own life has come into line with the energies that you’re reading. Thank you so much for this great gift that you give us. Bless you a million times.

  • zoe

    thank you for all you do!

  • Chisiray

    Awesome to see others teaching gratitude. My mum, younger brother and i help others daily and believe it should be taught in schools as well. If you cannot think of anything start with your socks!

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