Just Show up for the Dream and The Dream will Claim You!

Updated: October 25, 2015

Dearest luminous you,

Do you have a dream? Or, have you experienced that dream and really given thought to how it all came together? Bet it wasn’t all you was it? As I’m rushing round to get ready for my fall tour I’m considering how grateful I am, how in awe of Spirit I am, and how I’m reminded that I am co-creating my reality not in charge of it.

That’s an important thing to think about. For me, who self admittedly is a tenacious little Speedy Gonzales crab with claws of steel, a type A personality who didn’t get the memo that those batteries eventually die if you don’t turn the machine off. Working hard and “ going for it!” is in my nature. And well, if I was a puppy you’d have a really hard time getting that squeaky bone out of my possessive little mouth without getting snapped at.

However gone are the days when I chased the end result, letting pure ambition lead me, not quite clear about why or what I was grasping at, hoping it would give me something important I wanted.
That is not how this game of life works.

Now granted we didn’t get the instructions right from the get go, although I bet that scientists will one day discover that new born babies know exactly how the universe works in detail and can give us the final skinny on reality creation, but that might spoil all the big epiphanies when we remember some BIG puzzle piece like.. “God is in all things!” or “ The Invisible is not Empty!” etc.

The most important thing I have learned in all these years stumbling through the layers of spiritual awakenings and bouts of spiritual narcolepsy. I just need to show up for my dream and that dream will come and claim me!

The dream, once we begin to be inspired by it, is alive, and we need to stoke it like a fire, remain true to its nature, let go the attachment to the outcome and show up for it. Remember when we’re inspired we are infused with Spirit, moving us, asking us if we’re willing to co-create something beautiful and new?

The trick is to be ready, always ready, to be a channel for Spirit, trysting and allowing the dream to claim us and use us accordingly. We need to refuse the urge to compare, to see the lack, to judge it against the form we want and allow the form that is true to the essence to shape it in our highest good.
That is how it works. There are no time constraints in co-creation either. So do you have a dream? Are you willing to show up for it? If so, let it claim you, and work through you. Meditation will help you become empty to be filled. Let the dream come alive in you and it will claim you as its own.
That in the end is the greatest miracle of all.
Spirit rocks.

Love you madly and forever..!


love colette 200x103







Showing 38 comments
  • Shawn Marie

    After reading this I thought, I have a dream and I’m going to pull a card from the Wisdom of the Oracle. My card was Co-create, WoW… say no more. Thanks for taking the time to write this weeks blog have a wonderful time out there. I hope you laugh and cry and sing your heart out!

    In Health,
    Shawn Marie

  • Irene

    Thank you ! Spot on and hugely helpful as always !
    Been sharing with my daughter to help her as she is transitioning right now from one tough ending to accepting it and teaching her that’s it’s all good as ending leads to new beginning . I’m there too . But letting spirit lead and grateful for life as it’s very precious and not worth any drama . Colette oh how you have impacted my life in such a positive way ! What a special lady you truly are !❤️?

    Love your hair ! Love the doggies !

  • Alexandra W

    Holy Crap! this week’s reading is so right on and helpful for me. I have two of your decks and am getting back into using them regularly and meditating regularly too… and I need it. Someone very close(!) to me had a relapse last week and it is scary. I have my support group all around me and I am looking after myself; I just hope he does too. Living one hour at a time and trying not to be too anxious about the future which is looking quite uncertain right now. I had already put myself in job hunt mode, and now it may be very imperative. Aaahhh Let Go and Let God. Time to go do my readings and prayers and walking meditation. Thanks so much, Colette!

  • Swiss Lisa

    Yes, yes, yes, Colette! Again you are spot on with your blog insights and your new cards are fantastic!
    However….I must admit, at first I thought, although the artwork was beautiful,. . . that it was a bit “plain” compared to the Enchanted Map cards…yet I now see that EVERY picture-detail is ESSENTIAL on the cards . . . it’s like they are “spiritual high-concentrate”! It must have been really hard throwing out beautiful ideas that just weren’t part of the essential meaning! The booklet is very helpful and I enjoy venturing out into what the my gut is saying the card is telling me and then referring back to the book.

    Re not clenching onto an outcome, this has been a BIG lesson for me this past year ( and on-going laa-dee-dah!) and on Saturday, I reviewed a poem I’d written a year ago and then looked at where I am now. . . and saw how I NEVER could have predicted how I could be as happy as I am now, but also, more importantly, I was able to see how spirit had guided and accompanied me the whole way, despite my human knee-jerk tendencies . . . and that’s okay, because, heck, I am human! THAT was a wonderful gift!

    Re the new cards this week: I also received 3 protection cards on my draw. In the past, “reversed” meant “bad,” to me…even though you’ve been telling us for awhile not to see it that black and white. Now, with your new deck there are really clear definitions . . . and protection is like a the Gentle Gardener putting a shawl around our shoulders, or giving us a gentle squeeze, or tucking us in for a nap: it’s all very nurturing. Thanks for pointing this out to us.

  • Ellen

    My dream is to open a retreat center where every person who visits can really experience quiet in nature without electronic interference and demands — where they can receive spirit-opening bodywork, pet farm animals, do a vision-quest, eat fresh grown food, learn things, or celebrate life passages — all in a beautiful natural setting. This has been my dream for several years, and now, instead of forcing the timeline to fit “my” schedule, I want to allow Spirit to guide the process so it will all unfold organically in its right time, right size, right opportunity. This is what I am holding out for co-creation <3.

  • susan t

    Oh Colette – your reading this week hit the bullseye for me. Coming off a great week/weekend where I thought everything was really coming together only to get slammed by a disappointment that I didn’t anticipate. Going around and around in my head all last night questioning my abilities, value, leadership and capacity to push it all and get it all done – alone. Thank you for the grounding and the reminder that Spirit has my back. This is part of the plan and that I’m in this for the long-haul. Perfect and exactly what I needed this morning to wipe myself up off the floor and keep moving forward even though I feel shaky and unprepared. Love always.

    • Colette Baron-Reid

      Susan I have learned that ” I don’t know” is the most powerful statement of all. Spirit knows.. we all just need to show up for things even the ones that seem to detour us. xoxox

      • Sandra

        “I don’t know” has and still is a constant thought and feeling for me this entire year. I must say, it is frustrating the hell out of me. Have taken up meditation to just chill and go with the flow. Feel as if I’ve spent the year just going round in circles, I am so ready to co-create with Spirit for something new and beautiful.

  • Cait

    I needed to read this today! Thank you! 🙂

  • Karen

    For many years I wasn’t happy at my job. long story short; last April I decided to let go of the attachment to the outcome. What will happen in twomonths? Oh, I hope this certain thing happens this year. I finally just let go and “showed up”. Colette, amazing things have happened. I’m happier. My job has grown; I have the dream job. I am so happy and it has made such a difference in my life.
    Have a wonderful day; see you later this evening. ?

  • Teresa

    Thank you Colette for your presence in my life. I found you a few years ago through Hay House. Your weekly comments are wonderful. I am 67 and am going through some really big changes. My husband and I are moving from our home of 24+ years and I’m wondering if my life long love of horses is going to be over soon. A beautiful Handsome young horse came into my life a few months ago and there are questions about how to take him with me. Also, I have multiple cats. Some (8) just showed up at my door a few weeks ago. How to deal with them is a concern. Your comments this week are so helpful. Yes, I don’t know what spirit has in store for me. Take one step at a time, one day at a time. Meditate. (Thank You for your encouragement in this!) and Go the Distance!
    I love you! Teresa

    • Colette Baron-Reid

      keep the faith.. declare I don’t know how this will happen but Source does and now I am fulfilled! Trust it will happen admit you don’t know and act as if it has already occurred. oxoxoxox

  • Beatrice

    I’ve subscribed to your weekly wisdom for about a year now and I look forward to our Monday morning talks. I want you to know I was drawn to your free tarot readings first and loved the decks. Also, the cards don’t lie. I have been lovingly nudged to grow every time I check in. Thanks for the work you do. 🙂

  • Renee Sugar

    Hope you had a wonder-filled inspiring , adventure at the Intuition
    Boot Camp at Omega.
    Being a creature of habit; love writing on this blog!!!! I missed it and appreciate the opportunity to consider things from a different perspective.
    Last week I heard a definition of surrender which suggested that the process of surrender was “releasing the willful stronghold on a situation without any expectations for a specific outcome to unfold.” The first part “willful stronghold” spoke to me. Coincidentally this morning when reading a spiritual book for each day of the year; the passage spoke of how a tapestry would make no sense, when we could only see a few threads.

    What I am discovering is that the motive, or inspiration behind taking an action is really a key. The WHY? I might WANT something to be as I see it. What I cannot see is how there is a larger perspective, story that integrates, and orchestrates the details. This intelligence is beyond my limited vision and does bring things, people, events together in synchronistic way that can appear to be magical. But I believe that the WHY behind the action is a really important part of the equation. I thought that I wanted to write a book that focused on the transformative power of Creativity and how it can empower people and be a vehicle for profound changes to occur, usually as a result of something completely unexpected that led the person to discover a gift they were unaware was in them.
    I invited people on Facebook, LinkedIn to share their stories of how creativity was a transformational channel that altered their course in life. No response. YET . I have heard it said that our greatest pain is the fuel that propels us to discover what we are meant to do in this world, our “service.”
    An example was a former T.V executive; who was a passenger in a taxi on route to a birthday party. The cab was rear-ended and wound up in the back seat. The former T.V executive was severely injured and as a result experienced neurological damage that caused pain 24/7. Due to insomnia from this pain;
    she was encouraged to do some kind of art; and she purchased a watercolor palette for $2.98. In the wee hours of the morning she watched the emergence of these primitive patterns, which were colorful and joyful, albeit quite simple. To make the story shorter; she began to have some of the designs licensed, and now has co-created a collection of products. A portion of the revenue from the sales is donated to a charity that supports abused children. Her painful accident was the fuel that propelled her to follow the prompts, and that led her to write a new chapter in her life.

    I heard someone say that our “Calling” calls us. I am still searching for the right form for the deepest pain to be channeled into something that will serve a larger
    story, and will weave my life into a tapestry that includes many others. This is my vision; maybe a book is not the right vehicle, platform. I do believe that there is a much deeper reason that I am here. Maybe it isn’t time to reveal the details, but that doesn’t mean the desire to connect, to share to encourage, and
    celebrate the creative process in every form; isn’t something that moves my spirit. “G-d gives us a dream in a size too large for us, so we can grow into it”.
    Heartfelt thanks for forum to share, and for being a part of my evolutionary journey.

  • Meredith Rietz

    Love this article Colette! It is interesting because I am starting to look at my dreams in a whole new way… more along the lines of essence vs concrete form. I used to not have any dreams of the future (all due to very low self worth and misbelief that I didn’t deserve any dreams, so why dream). I know that is not the case and I am happily dreaming away. As it pertains to form though, I feel like the essence of what I am looking for leads to the best outcome, because if we focus just on form, the particular form we get may not be what we really deeply wanted. Yet, what feels tricky about essence (for me at least) is that it feels still vague if holding firm just the essence. So for instance, I really want a life partner… I am not thinking or dreaming of anyone in particular… but I do know and FEEL the qualities he has and how I want to feel with him. But, what confuses me is the dream of something that has form… a life partner. Is that too much about form? Is it in my best interest to let go of even that? The essence would be that I want to feel at home, loved and alive and connected… but that still feels vague. The truth is I DO want the form (life partner) that carries with it the essence of what I am looking for. Can you expand on this regarding form and essence? I get why you want to focus on the essence of the dream but the form keeps showing up as equally important. Thank you! Lots of love and well wishes on your tour!

    • Colette Baron-Reid

      Meredith DEFINITELY put it out there to have a partner .. just don’t get too hung up on his hair color or job or other superficial things.. let Spirit pick the perfect essential match.. you have to have SOME form.. just let Spirit fill the container and choose the where and when, color and shape.. but name it! Then let it claim you xoxox

  • Licia Morelli


    I love this newsletter so much! Recently I’ve been trying to gain clarity into the dream – dipping my toe into what “The Lemonade Hurricane” dream actually means. And every time I dip – I’m met with big things and then I say “well that was easy!” and I’m reminded that when we allow ourselves to follow the breadcrumbs and allow ourselves to show up for the dream so much comes so fast and the ease of flow is undeniable. When I was 8 years old I told my mom I wanted to be a children’s book writer and then my life happened and I pushed and pulled and as you say, “letting pure ambition lead me, not quite clear about why or what I was grasping at, hoping it would give me something important I wanted.”

    But now? Now I’m “just showing up for the dream” and as I show up I’m led. As I’m led? I’m filled to the brim with joy and confidence that it’ll keep happening as long as I keep showing up.

    Thank you for this today – I love it so much.


    • Colette Baron-Reid

      and I love your book. You will see a lot of product on the market thrown together that has no real integrity and you can feel that when you see it. Your book was brimming with Spirit and Light and I absolutely love it. Inspiration is unique. Bravo you xoxo

  • Cathy

    Hey Colette, tonite you are in Calgary and so sadly I could not make it. I have to tell you I Love. Love, Love that Serenity card with the Clover…no doubt a 4 leafer. I named my most special being, a Wheaton Terrier after a 4leaf Clover because I was SO lucky to have her and she brought me her lifetime of happiness. It has been 5 months since her passing and I think of her so many times in a day and always at night. Seeing this image just made my day. Enjoy tonite… Calgarians are so welcoming so I know you will have fun. Love that sweet little dog!

  • Cathy

    Opps… Good Grief! So sorry, had to watch the video again because I was so overtaken by the card. I firstly thought it was Serenity but now see it was actually Serendipity….prettymuch bang on for what my life is experiencing right now.

  • Theresa Shetler

    Hi Colette,
    I have been reading your work and using your cards for 7yrs. I met you in Sedona at Crystal Magic Bookstore. I was buying your Hidden Realms deck for my daughter and you autographed it for her! I appreciate what you have said about finding our own lane and embracing our uniqueness. I too have a love for motorcycles and ancient wisdom teachings. Your words of wisdom and transformation has inspired me so much!
    Your soulsister

  • Deborah

    I love your new hair!

  • StephanieR

    Thank you Colette for this message. Perfect timing as always. This sentence, “The trick is to be ready, always ready, to be a channel for Spirit, trysting and allowing the dream to claim us and use us accordingly.” spoke perfectly to me as did the cards for this week’s message. I’m creating my dream (which is drastically different than the path I was on for the last 10 years) and allowing my dream to claim me and move forward in it accordingly.

  • Kate Shadock

    Love the new hair color! Thank you for explaining about upside down cards as protection. That makes them a lot less “scary”.

  • Lisa_AK

    Hello sparkling Colette and Tribe!
    Love Monday morning and reading your blog! Oh yes I’ve had a dream for many years to be a great healer! Continue working on learning my energy modalities and practicing on friends/family/myself. Along with this is my dream of bringing one of these modalities to the town I live in and other parts of Alaska! I also ‘know’ one day I’m going to teach this here and other places. I’ve let go of the outcome of what my practice/healing space will exactly look like even though I’m in the process of de-cluttering to help it come together. The cards are always so right on! This week and really the past couple of weeks I’ve had a physical setback….posterior shoulder/arm pain with hand weekness. Thought it was shoulder problem but after seeing an orthopedist, xrays ok, exam determined it’s actually like a pinched nerve coming from lower part of my neck…no injury or anything so go figure! Anyway now seeing physical therapy as well as working on myself energetically and asking ‘what do I need to learn from this?’ Also had a PPMS
    (poor pitiful me syndrome) moment…’I want to be a healer and I can’t fix myself!’ Lessons so far: It’s ok to ask for and get help when needed. Making a good contact with physical therapy people may help my practice in the long run. Persevere and remember to lean on Spirit who always has my back, sometimes just need the reminder.
    Love you so much Colette!!
    Love, Light and Peace to All

    • Suzy

      Every setback and trial in my life has helped me to be a better provider. Remember your fear, pain and what was helpful. File it away. You’ll use it someday.
      Best wishes for serving in your best capacity.
      And peace for your pain.

  • Christine

    I dreamed, I showed up and my own family deliberately snuffed out my dreams, this happened again and again, a bruise on a bruise, over a lifetime until I became afraid to dream any dream at all. But creativity is life’s breath, it rises from the ashes again and again, such that now I have a dream to see my novel published. Here’s hoping.

  • Leisa

    So looking forward to meeting you this coming weekend in Victoria. My Mama, son & myself have VIP tix & are so jazzed to be a part of the evening xo 🙂
    Thank you for sharing your gifts!

  • Kirsty (Charlie)

    Thank you once again for your wonderful insight, and your beautiful cards. I had an astounding reading today, made even more astounding when I listened to your weekly reading, and realised my challenge cards being upside down, weren’t spirit telling me off. Sometimes I wonder when I am outside talking to the universe/spirit at night if I am being heard, as there must be so many of us doing the same thing at the same time, now I know I am, and we are. Today through you, I got confirmation that it doesn’t matter how many of us are having a seemingly one sided conversation we are all being listened to.
    Have a wonderful time on your tour, You are a sparkly wonderful being yourself, and a precious gift to us all.

  • Josie

    Inspiring message. Thank you! I love you to the moon and back !!

  • Chantelle

    Hi Colette! I am so grateful for people like you and Robert Ohotto. You guys help me trust and show up for life and remind me how beautiful life is. I am learning to trust more and it feels really good. Hearing from you guys through facebook and the work you do reminds me i am on the right track. My career is blossoming and so am I.

    So great to be a part of your tribe 🙂
    Lots of Love

  • Linda

    I’m really enjoying working with your Wisdom of the Oracle deck–thank you so much for producing it.

    I had to write because I’ve been pulling the “Go The Distance” card almost daily for the past week for myself or others. It’s a true frequent flyer at this time and seems to be helpful to all of us who are distracted by all the shiny objects or frustrated by an obstacle or two or three. I can’t find the oracle’s face in the illustration, though. Could you share where it is?

    Thanks again–am truly loving this new deck.

  • Suzy

    I’m always inspired by your warmth and wisdom. Thank you for giving of yourself and allowing yourself to be filled by the spirit. You make a difference in my life.
    Enjoy seeing your fur babies and how you step out fashionably. Inspires me!

  • Emilia

    I have just returned from being out Bush with original tribal people of “Ramindjeri” nation here in South Australia. No electricity,running water,phone reception on Kangaroo Island. 4 days of sacred space,ceremonies & Protocols. Strictness and miracles(in my view). 28 people gathered in the Wirrijin Way – Black Fella & White Fella together(for the right reasons). I’m a White Fella. 🙂 New experience for me. We gathered around sacred fire, sacred circle, speaking to each other listening to each other, with heart, with nature, with ancestors with the Wise Ones. My adult son was there also & had his birthday there.
    Dreamtime stories were shared, selectively, preciously, protectively. I was there by invitation. It was not something I had planned, it was something I said Yes to, in accordance with my values. Life has brought me to where I am. I am blessed and inspired for having said Yes to this. “Spirit Rocks”. Thankyou Colette. I love your Authenticity & all you do. Emilia

  • Marion

    Hello Colette,
    I just want to ThankYou, ThankYou, ThankYou for coming to BC. I have been writing and begging for you to come to BC on your across Canada tour, and you came… so I drove the 4 hours to get to Vancouver from where I live, spent the afternoon with a friend who chauffeured me to the venue, spent the night with her and then drove the trip home again. Many times on the road I thought of you and “vertigo” as I drove past these huge drops off the sides of mountains and as a matter of fact, I don’t do ” edges” of things either.
    I have to say that I soooo loved your show and felt it was so worth all that I did to manage to get there….
    I am an animal lover as well, have two rescue senior dogs at the moment, so had to arrange a dog sitter and get to Vancouver….Loved Loved it all…was too short tho…..lolllllllllllllll maybe next time you will consider coming to the interior of BC…. Okanagan Valley????? Much love and hugs….. Marion

    • Colette Baron-Reid

      I would most definitely come there !!! BIG hug and I am so grateful to have heard from you 😉

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