Feed your Mind and KISS Your Life- 7 steps to Freedom!!

Updated: September 20, 2015

Dearest luminous you,

What a week! I don’t know about you but I sure was feeling that mercury retrograde and new moon collide and so were my clients.

Bless my “go to” healer Althea Gray (altheagray.com) who is on call to do distance clearing work for me when I’ve done too many readings, and I find myself dripping with other people’s “stuff”. I know how to take care of myself but I also know when I need to rely on someone else to do what I cannot. (Stay tuned for more news about this extraordinary healer in Santa Fe New Mexico)

Since my bathroom is under construction I can’t take a salt bath but I find swimming every day helps balance my energy. And I am in awe at the results when I remember to meditate twice a day. When I don’t do it I feel like I never have enough time for anything (especially for meditation), and when I meditate regularly I always seem to have more than enough time for everything!
Amazing how that works.

It doesn’t matter what it is as long as it works. You just need to do it.

You know when its time to get “with the program” when you get into the Stinky Thinkys!
You know what I’m talking about yes?

When you start blaming the world for your bad luck, getting angry at an oracle card reading because you didn’t work with the energy and figured your good fortune was just going to fall from the sky. When it didn’t you cry “Foul!” instead of taking responsibility for the stinky thoughts festering away in your psyche – ugly little goblins determined to keep you down.

Maybe you compared yourself with someone else, or were afraid to speak up or set a boundary, or ate too much pie and now your skinny jeans are too tight, or noticed the strange alien crepey skin creeping up under your arms while you do yoga beside a perfect girl who can do a pretzel thing while you can barely touch your toes etc. etc.

You get the picture.
What shall we do?
Shake it off!

Like my friend the late Dr. Wayne Dyer I too practice the magic mantra “Excuses Be Gone!”

Granted conditions can be really tough, and we all know life is messy and filled with all manner of shadowy things but our minds must be kept clean and emptied of garbage regularly if we expect to make any progress whatsoever.
Would you let garbage pile up in your house?
I bet the answer to that is no!
So why would we let it pile up inside our heads and hearts?

What really has helped me move through the jerky rollercoaster of life is to stay as uncomplicated as possible, do regular mental house cleaning, and practice back to basics with my spiritual program.

I’m going to give you a list of what works for me and then I’d like to invite you to share yours too. This week we want to align our energy with what works (we all know what doesn’t) to keep us on track and engaging life in a loving, empowered and authentic way.

The environment of our thoughts will dictate the quality of our experience.

#1 “Act as If.” It’s not possible to think my way out of negativity and self- centered fear. On days when I find I can’t snap out of it I fake it. I bring the body into good actions. For example when I freak out about money I pay all my bills and give some to charity. I love to pay for someone’s coffee in a lineup.
It works every time. I just have to remember to do it.
This is a discipline. Without it I am lost. To be honest I have twice as much freedom when I apply discipline.

#2 – Feed Your Mind. Outside of maintaining a positive grateful attitude, for me it’s important to read. I’m inspired by the good works of others, and find nourishment in meaningful words that stimulate good ideas in my mind. Reading a good book helps me to remain grounded in hope and out of despair.  Stimulating the mind is like going to the gym.

#3 – Unplug. It’s important also to take real time off social media and the internet to be present in whatever activity is requiring my full attention. I can really get sucked into the vortex of sound bites and to be honest it causes me some anxiety if I don’t take breaks.

#4 – Go Zen. Meditation is an essential part of my program. I consciously connect to my Higher Power and always begin smiling even if I don’t feel like it. It’s like a switch that turns on radio God.

#5 – Wash Your Mouth out with Love. I watch my words closely and reframe them when I find myself veering off into negativity.

#6 – Stay Self- Honest. There is such freedom in self- honesty. It keeps the mind quiet, and the soul open when there is no need for artifice. When I’m honest with myself I know what I’m responsible for, how to ask for help, and to feel good about being right sized. When I’m clear like this, I know my service and my ambitions are true and less ego driven. There really is a dignity in self- honesty that opens the doors to miracles and inspiration.

#7- Celebrate Silly. One thing I learned from the other side when I tumbled head first into mediumship is they do not want us to mope around. Forgiveness and more joy were the two subjects most pressed upon me to deliver to the living. So I know that laughter is the best medicine so I don’t take myself so seriously and every day look for the hilarious and the absurd to balance out the suffering. I get my daily dose of silly playing with my dogs and being ridiculous and goofy with my hubby.

So, tag you’re it. How do you stay in alignment with your highest good when life turns you upside down?
Love to hear from you as always. O and don’t forget to KISS your life. Stay simple. Be grateful. Take action. Have faith.

love colette 200x103



Showing 49 comments
  • Diana Boles

    Meditation is a very big part of my head clearing. I find it first thing in the morning. It turns the spirits into my cleaning companions. It is the way to “save myself first, so that I may save others”.
    I walk routinely in the church of Mother Nature. My pups come along for the walk. And I love it when I may find myself there alone. I sing and chant and when there are few humans, the animals and plants respond and join in.
    Yoga is at least 3x a week, but everyday you breath and every move you make is yoga when striving for alignment.
    To not think negatively. Oh how traffic can cause that vallient Goddess to become an old crone and curse. So I take my foot off the gas. In what ever traffic I’m in. Grocery store, waiting room, or the highway. I think of a spirit guide to get me through. Yes, back to basics.
    I remove myself when others become negative. If I cannot physically leave, I stop paying attention and meditate in the crowd. They don’t even notice.
    I have my medicine wheel and walk the spiral to clear the air around my space.
    I play with my toys. I like to decorate and so I rotate things seasonally. And there is gardening or snow shoveling. Haha!
    I teach 4 yr olds. — two sessions a day, three days a week! Mehta can keep as happy as if I were still a 4 yr old myself.
    My dogs and my bird always keep me in a gentle state. They are so limited in how they could survive without a human
    Yes, unplug totally—there are days I enter the silence and speak only to my critters. Especially when I must pray for someone.
    I love to paint and create, so that is a promise I keep to myself at least once a week.
    Read and look at magazines that are historic and visual and out of the ordinary.
    Lastly, I look forward to my Sunday of joining Colette and the Tribal Dancers. It always makes me think.
    Always grateful. Ever in love with life. Diana

    • Colette Baron-Reid

      always love your meaningful contributions to our conversation 😉

    • Hillary

      I love you so!! It’s always soothing to hear (& to see your beautiful face) hold our hands & hearts through some of these more ‘challenging’ energetic opportunities. 😉 I appreciate you & all you do! XOXO

      • Colette Baron-Reid

        I’m so grateful for you coming and reading every week. A Big Hug to all !!!

    • Roberta

      Good morning Colette,

      First of all I have to say thank you for being an amazing inspiration and role model. Every time I read your tarot Facebook post, I gain new knowledge and a new perspective how to make my life better. Just like everyone, I have my up and down days, but I am realizing it is my responsibility to make my days good days even when chaos happens. I am learning to be more positive and loving myself more everyday. Thank you!!!
      I of course learned from you meditation helps to stay calm when I am having a hectic day. I try to remember as well that there is love in everyone and to remember that everyone has their hectic day when I feel the world is against me, lol. Another alignment I feel helps me personally when I feel out of tuned is music. I have to listen to music. Music moves my heart and emotions. That may sound corny, but it really helps me stay in tuned to positive thoughts.
      I do have a question about balancing energy. You mentioned in your blog that you are not able to take salt baths due to the construction of your restroom, so you switch the balance your energy. I have heard that water does wash away the negative energy (please correct me if I am wrong),but salt water is a new method for me. Can you explain how salt water balances energy? And is it a certain type of salt that helps eliminates negative energy like Epsom salt or is it kitchen salt? Thank you for your time and have a awesome great day. 🙂

      Roberta Polwort

      • Colette Baron-Reid

        there are loads of articles about Himalayan salt baths. They get rid of excess energy we collect in our electro magnetic fields. I always feel different after. 😉

    • Becca

      Hi Colette (and Tribe) ~
      Thank you for the amazing card reading & your freedom list! Your dogs are so adorable! They really made me smile! Animals (and birds) are incredible!
      I also appreciate reading the contributions from everyone.
      My number one go to ‘Get Out Of Jail’ reminder is Saint Francis of Assisi’s Peace Prayer:

      ‘Lord, make me an instrument of your peace,
      where there is injury, pardon;
      where there is doubt, faith;
      where there is despair, hope;
      where there is darkness, light;
      where there is sadness, joy;

      O Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console;
      to be understood as to understand;
      to be loved as to love.

      For it is in giving that we receive;
      it is in pardoning that we are pardoned;
      And it is in dying that we are born to eternal life.

      Much Love,

  • DLLGRJandfurballs

    When I veer I notice the overload, for example, cussing I take a moment and exhale usually stating outloud that I need to stop cussing and go to church instead. My church is being in touch with my Higher Power not necessarily an organized religion. From youth because of organized religion (Roman Catholic) I somehow surmised that my Church is wherever I am – that I did not need to be in a particular place at a particular time with particular people to be at Church. I have since carried that notion of the here and now, grateful for the organization I was taught and applied to my life even if I am not perfect . I started to stay home more and not attend the physical church when someone who thought they knew me commented on how “hard I was praying” as if Church was not a place to pray? I felt the hypocrisy and avoided sharing my prayer in physical places, I still keep my eyes open when a leader asks to bow the head because I choose to see now instead of trust anyone with my eyes shut; I bow in sincerity not hypocritically. I love prayer to much to mock someone for their sincere expression; I just do my best to understand them, help them, pray with them in my own measure. Take what you need an leave the rest …. it works. The hurdle is remembering … I cannot make this up, lol!

    I can usually get back on track to being LOV : ) yet life is a journey and back to the drawing board again to figure how to get back to the sincerity. The world is full of personality at different phases of enlightenment P : ) ACE

    Keep it Simple Sunshine Blessings
    Good to Know
    Adding Light to all Lights, Amen
    Hope this note finds you being well, good, and knowledgeable Tribe, CBR Team, and Loved Ones

    • Diana Boles

      i swear we were separated at birth DLLGR &furball — even Pope Francis agrees that church is where you make it! Love this pope–and can sometimes admit that I am a recovering Catholic! Oh I can remember the times the priests’ back was to the congregation & we were not to look at the Host nor Cup at transformation. Et Cum Spiri tutu wa! And I thought they were saying “here comes the spirit thru the wall”. Sorta was like that, yah!

  • Grace Fae

    Hi Colette,

    What a lovely article for today!

    Whenever I feel my ego rising to surface in public, I’ll pause, breathe and begin affirming myself with some positive affirmations. I get impatient and irritated very easily. So, breath work is one way that I control my emotions.

    Whenever I’m at home and negativity creeps up, I’ll stop whatever I’m doing and talk to God through journaling or just talking to myself. Other times, I’ll take my yoga mat out, google some yoga videos and do them. Stretching and breathing definitely helped me to relieve my stress, anxiety issues and calm me down effectively. At other times, I’ll take a walk in nature and count the steps that I take to fully be present in myself.

    I’m a very sensitive person in nature, so invoking a bubble of protection field around me every morning after I wake up definitely helped me a lot. This truly helps me to keep my mental processes in check, especially when I’m around people who are dramatic, annoying and victimising.

    Thank you so much for your frequent blog posts, dearest Colette! It keeps me grounded every time I read them. Looking forward for more updates in the future! <3

    x Grace x

  • Amber

    Thank you for your blog Colette <3 Its a fantastic way to start the week…This resonates so much!

  • Michele

    Hi Colette, I have experienced the same thing with Meditation and when I fall off the wagon, the same thing happens to me…no time for me to do anything for my peace of mind. Then when I make time, suddenly everything just flows. Another thing I need to stay grounded is be in nature. It is so comforting and full of wonder sometimes. And so nice to know the other side wants more joy for us…I need to keep that in mind too. My mother passed a year and a half ago and I like to talk to her still to this day. That also brings me peace and sometimes much needed answers.

  • Rachel Medhurst

    Haha, Colette, did you just feel my reaction to the daily oracle card reading I just did on your site? I did the whole, ‘fowl’ cos my monkey mind didn’t want to stop the stinky thinky…love it!

    I’ve done a meditation to clear that before reading your post, so I feel a lot better now. I write in my journal and walk the dog when I get in that frame of mind. I find that once the thoughts are out on paper, I can let them go a lot easier. I’ve also had to learn surrender and acceptance a lot more recently. I’ve never been good at allowing things to unfold but I don’t have a choice at the moment. So, I also try and say a mantra to distract my stinky thinky thoughts.


  • Dani Montoya

    Beautiful post.
    For me I also find feeding my mind in the wee hours of the morning is what I need to recharge me for the day. I get up pretty early, thanks to a cat who can not tell time, and its the most peaceful, stressless time of the day. I may read something motivational, or watch videos on a new art technique. Perhaps do some self reiki, or meditaion.

    For me art also calms and centers me. Often I also get too plugged into social media and videos and have recently made it a point to not open the computer so so many hours.

    My mantra, on those horrid days is “just allow”.

  • Janet

    Colouring books!! Just bought some…ohhhhh, let the magic begin…how peaceful and grounded I feel…how connected to my thoughts, being in the moment, away from distractions and electronics…
    Grab some prismacolors and a book….get ready for some soul time… ?
    Thanks for your wise words again Colette… Love how you keep it so real …

  • Christine

    Glad you contacted Althea. Also, maybe place a mezuzah over the doors, that will help. And, like the farmers of old, get a Pennsylvania Dutch “hex sign” painted on the place. Have one painted or buy one to place on the door. It protected well of old and still does.

    Love and light,

  • Loren Gelberg-Goff

    Great message, Colette…
    In order to unwind, unplug and recharge, I read a good novel. I can get lost in a good story and that is a great escape for me. I also take my dog for extra long walks. And I breathe, breathe, breathe, and as has been stated previously, I can escape to my favorite place of relaxation even in a crowded room. Thanks for reminding me/us to find ways to “kiss our lives”… I love that image…

  • Brenda Hardison

    I enjoy listening and learning from your videos. I am going through a severe amount of stress, so is my spouse – so I am trying to learn how to let it go, due to the fact, I was always a very patient individual and could let things go at one point, I am struggling with lyme disease which has really played on any patience I have had and am trying to control fits of rage. I have to find a way to leave it all behind at least once a day and am having an extremely difficult time doing so, I greatly appreciate any advise or teachings you have to give. I thank God for you.

    • Lisa_AK

      Sending lots of light, love, peace and healing energy to you and your husband. Try to envision yourself wrapped in a bubble of lovely blue and golden healing light coming from the angels and the light of Christ. God Bless!

  • Renee Sugar

    DANCE!!!!! Funny when I am dancing, I get into the feel of movement, and
    let the spirit shake off tension, relax the body/mind in the process. By the
    time I am finished, there has been a shift in how I felt before I started.
    Usually for the better.

    Love to draw, and watch where making a single mark on a blank page
    takes me. It focuses the mind on something other than what might
    be rotten in my state of my mind.

    Love to listen to a Hay House Radio program and hear others’ perspectives
    and usually feel not so alone by the end, and usually resonate with someone
    who might call in with a very similar situation that I am facing. Interesting how
    this works.

    Yes very important to CELEBRATE the steps taken, the actions, the movement, the
    growth toward not only the outcome. That sets up disappointment right from the
    start, and can affect how I feel. When I recognize that everything is a process and
    a continuum, and a journey; then each step is important.

    GRATITUDE is a huge part of my daily practice. Being alive and in good health
    is the key to being able to appreciate everything else. And I remember many
    gifts that Wayne Dyer shared; “Whatever I desire that is aligned with spirit, is
    on its way”. Everything I need will show up at exactly the divinely appointed
    time and place. SO You can worry if you want; BUT it does not usually help
    the matter.
    So wishing you a blessed day filled with peace and promise of possibility.
    I must be on my way to “work”. Beginning the 4th week today.
    Each day is a new beginning, and might be our last, so ENJOY what we can
    as we shall not pass this way again.

  • Barb Parcells

    I make some time to do something child-like, something that brings me back to that time when I was open to everything and saw the world with wonder. I’ll get out my grandkids’ paint sets and paint even though the 5 year old paints better than I do – to me it’s a masterpiece. I read a really good children’s book, or go outside and pick up interesting stones, or pine cones to decorate later. Anything that brings me back in touch with the wonder of living in this world helps me gain a better perspective on being a grown-up!

  • Yolanda

    Hi Colette,

    It soo good to read your words, it is just uplifting!!! I needed to be reminded today of all the good things I am surrounded by. Thank you for your kindness and love for all of us. You are a true blessing. Meditation and just being present is what does it for me. Praying and being with my puppies each morning before going to work is what helps me stay grounded. Discipline, discipline and more discipline, without it I would be so scattered and would not be able to focus well. Thank you,


  • Theresa sandelin

    So funny, I have been reading this and looking at the site for the first time this morning. Things have been very hectic with the new project that I just decided isn’t what I wanted but must be preparing me for something else that was needed. I tend to push things and maybe they shouldn’t be pushed. So with that revelation I decided to go back to my swimming even though winter is fast approaching. The thought in my head is I feel the happiest and most relaxed when I swim everything washes away. So that being said what you said about the water really struck me. I am in transition of getting things back into order thoughts life everything.

  • Lily

    I slow down…take a bath, read, play with my dogs, bake…and most importantly sit and write down all I am grateful for. Doing this brings me back to reality and calms me. Thank you Colette for your great articles!

  • Deanne Smart

    hi Colette and everyone,

    this topic is so relevant for me at this time (as you know from my reading with you last week, thank you : ) In the last few days I have been getting repetitive intuitive guidance I think, to get the anger and anxiety out of my body by

    – writing it down!

    getting it out from inside my gut or head, and put it somewhere else, anywhere as long as its out of me. And to do it completely uncensored, all the angry, mean, raw feelings inside,
    shouted out onto a page, Fiona Apple style! :-

    “- I tell you how I feel
    But you don’t care
    – I say tell me the truth
    But you don’t dare
    -You say love is a hell
    You cannot bear
    -And I say gimme mine
    Back and then go there
    For all I care!

    -Don’t you plead me your case
    -Don’t bother to explain
    -Don’t even show me your face
    ‘Cause it’s a crying shame
    -Just go back to the rock
    From under which you came
    -Take the sorrow you gave
    And all the stakes you claim
    -And don’t forget the blame”
    (sleep to dream lyrics)

    Clear it out, a purge, just being completely honest and open about how you feel, without caring if you are right in feeling that way or not, it doesn’t matter, just as long as not to suppress those feeling and let them fester and grow inside my body, which only builds up my anxiety to where I feel I may explode, but getting it out this way feels like a pressure valve has been released.

    It started with me wanting to write an email to someone to tell them how I felt, and how they have hurt me and how angry I am with them, so I could feel heard, but after I wrote it out, I notice I already felt better before I had even sent it, and that I didn’t really need to send it at all actually, it had served its purpose as it is.

    I’m am going to start doing this from now on, I hope this idea may help others too.
    Love Deanne

    ps- I also pulled the ‘clean it up’ card this week too : )

  • Donna

    Hi Collette!

    Wow what a jolt of reality for me. It was as if you were speaking to me personally. I am at a battle with myself when it comes with ego. It has been bubbling up talking the negativity like a storm trooper on crack. What a struggle! I got the tools to work through the difficult times: its just what is with the drama when NOT using them! . Rolling up the sleeves and getting to work, bumpy ride come what may…the universe knows what is best for me. Thank you for your blog. Namaste!

  • Barbara

    Each week I wait for your blog. It is always a new door to travel through in order to understand this crazy thing we call life. Over a year ago I began meditating and then last April for some reason I quit. May, June and July were in the toilet. Things at work were spiraling out of control. Everyone else was to blame. And then one night the little light went on and I realized it was me that was to blame. I immediately began meditating again. Work is still crazy but each day I release the negativity as I exhale to begin meditation. My house was designed without bathtubs but with wonderful showers. Maybe not conducive for a salt bath but a good salt scrub followed by a night time meditation works wonders.

    And now for the first time I am getting back in touch with my creative side. Homemade ice cream toppings and vanilla are back on my shelves for Christmas giving. I found a flash drive I lost a few years back with the start of a book I was writing. And in dreams I have seen how things should play out in the chapters ahead.

    Almost all of this is due to the inspiration that you so kindly share. Thank you!

  • Michelle

    It’s like this was written for me today! I love how you are so real and down to earth. When I am struggling I find the first thing I do is reach for the cards to see whats going on however I do find that if I’m not in the right frame of mind or victim mode it can sometimes make me feel worse.I try and find ways to get grounded so I can actually hear the messages. I do this by breathing deep and placing my hand on my heart so I can get the focus from my head down to my heart. I love taking long walks and listening to my favourite music. Music has a magical way of making me feel good. Once I have done this the cards are always bang on! Thank you for sharing your gift with the world and I am looking so forward to seeing you in October in Edmonton!

  • Linda

    You have added so much value to my world since I “found” you! I can’t thank you enough for all you are and do!
    I’ve been bogged down by so much stinky I lost sight of me. Thank you for giving me avenues to work in to turn things around.

  • Martha

    Hi Colette–
    I always look forward to your Monday readings and blog. Today I found comfort in the reading. I am taking my son to college in another state this week and as hard as it is to let go, there are new and positive beginnings to be had for all of us. Clean it up–to make sure that I can finish what needs to be said to “clean the slate” . I love the chaos card and knowing that chaos in this case is for the highest good and re-structuring for all. Happy happy for a new beginnings and a new place of balance for us all. Regeneration–I love the “don’t prevent the re-birth by your fear”. I would like to believe that this is exactly where my whole family is meant to be and of course it is the natural progression of things, the growing and expanding of my wonderful and excited boy and a new and different place for us all to stand!! Thanks so much–I really needed that this morning!!

  • Dorothy

    Hi Colette,

    I do a lot of what you recommend, but when all else fails, I turn up rock and roll….LOUD in the car and sing until I’m horse. Next life I come back as a rock star!

  • Catherine Adams

    Hi, Colette, and I loved this blog post, but I truly look forward to each and every one of them. Your words always help me. And BTW, love seeing your little fur babies!!

    Meditation has been a part of my life for a long time and if I put it off for any reason I always regret it. It is amazing for centering me and making me feel more connected to spirit. I like to talk to spirit first and have a little convo about what’s going on in my head and my life. And before that I love to strike my chimes. It’s like an announcement that it’s time to begin.

    Nature probably takes top billing if I am being honest. Since I was a child, I was able to feel healed and alive by being in Nature. These days I am so busy with my getting my website ready, writing an ebook, etc., that I am working seven days a week, so I don’t get outside as much, but I have started taking two half-days and driving an hour to get to a little nearby town that runs along the Ohio River. It’s a quaint little place with a lovely historic section. Along the river, they have built an incredible walkway with trees, shrubs, flowers, old-fashioned street lamps, and beautiful park benches. I go there and enjoy the river, the sun or the rain and the birds and squirrels. I spend about three or four hours there, and it makes me feel so good I almost hate to go back home. When my income increases, I want to move to that little town and put down permanent roots. I see my trips there as part of me finding my adventure.

    Another thing that gets my energy unstuck is to talk to my houseplants and gently remove dust from their leaves. They respond to that, and I can sometimes hear the sound of the elementals. I tell them how lovely they are and how I appreciate them, and the act of caring for them feels very special.

    I also like to take some time to pray for those I know need help, and for the world in general. I found a beautiful meditation for helping the earth when I took my Pranic Healing training, and although it may not be much, it is something, and makes me feel as though I am making a contribution.

    A few times a year I will make large zippered bags filled with granola bars, raisins, nuts, toiletries, wet wipes, and such and drive around where I think there may be some homeless people and pass them out. It’s not much but it beats nothing, and for me, it helps to do something for someone else–it puts my own problems into perspective.

    Reading has always been important in my life, and it’s something that to this day brings me joy, while depleting my bank account. 🙂 Getting engrossed in what I am reading is amazing. The book I am reading now is One Spirit Medicine by Alberto Villoldo. Check it out!!

  • Lisa_AK

    Hi Sparkly Colette and Tribe!
    Oh Colette, love starting my week off with your blog and readings! Well, I knew Mercury was going retrograde so I had already decided to be kind and good to myself so I could stay balanced in all ways. I’ve been eating healthy and enjoying it! I decided if I can make a conscious choice to be happy every day, then I can also make a consciuous choice to eat healthy for myself. I’ve found this is part of what keeps me grounded and real…making conscious choices. Staying in this mindset isn’t as difficult as I thought it might be once I started doing it all the time instead of when I just wanted to. Example: I choose every day to be happy and grateful for everything…my life, health, family, friends, job, home, doggie, etc. I’ve been doing this a long time so why it took me so long to understand I can do this for everything, I don’t know!! So I realize everything I do, say, the way I act, respond, etc. is a choice…my choice and with that comes the responsibilty of that choice. I’ve found even though this sounds like it would really weigh you down with that responsibitly, it’s exactly the opposite!! It’s very freeing…it helps keep me focused and in the present moment. Like many others of the tribe I love to get out in nature and enjoy the absolute beauty and natural wonders…the leaves turning orange/red, the grasses looking like waves of golden wheat, the stems/leaves of flowers turning yellow as they all get ready for their long sleep approaching. I go around my yard and thank each of them for the beauty they provided all summer and the food they provided for the birds and other animals.
    And this past weekend I unplugged from electronics, didn’t get on the computer and no social media until Sunday evening, got on FB briefly to check on family/friends. I enjoyed being home, resting, cooking healthy meals for mom and me and crocheting. Being creative is a must for me…if I don’t do something creative for a while I start getting cranky, even with myself!! And still loving my Pilates! Another choice that makes me feel so good!! Another thing I do that’s very easy and keeps me connected with Spirit besides my own quiet time, is when I’m in the car at a stop light I just say ‘God Bless every one around me, going by, walking etc.’ I think of it as shooting little love arrows out to everyone 🙂
    Thanks for all you do Colette!
    Love, Light and Peace to all

  • Ed Lehner

    Hi Colette…… thanks for your great messages. Gives me new food for thought as well as reinforcing and reminding me of what I already know. Be well. Peace and blessings, Ed

  • Holly

    Thanks. I too love to start the week by reading your blog. I am grateful to have attended the Hay House I Can Do It Conference in Orlando this past weekend as a way to renourish my soul. It was immersed in a vibration of love and light. Your blog reminds me of the steps to keep love and light flowing when daily life gets stressful.
    It is great to listen to the rebroadcast of your radio show on HayHouse Radio.

  • Tracey

    I read your card everyday & love your new deck! The artistry is ethereal and beautiful. I love your list. My fav is #7 – Celebrate Silly. I wish more people would engage with this one. So many a day I celebrate silly myself and that’s ok. Makes me feel light and less serious about myself and the world around me.
    @Janet … love your idea as I LOVE to colour!!! Gonna get me some colouring books!

  • Mary

    Hi Colette and Tribe,
    In a nutshell : beautiful, relaxing music, gardening, talking to my plants and the animals and critters who watch me do my yard work, writing in my Gratitude Journal, prayer and meditation, reading books, and saying things like,
    “All is well.”, “This, too, shall pass.”,
    “What can I learn from this?”, “God is always taking care of me.”, and,
    “Only Good comes to me today….
    “There is a blessing in this.”

    Thank you for your weekly thoughts, dear Colette and Tribe.
    I learn so much each week, and I’m always looking forward to the next one.
    We’re all in this together.
    We are One. 🙂

  • Catherine

    I am in the middle of a transition so much like when was leaving my first husband to take my kids off to University in 1987/88. The second of my Divine Timings then. This transition is the 4th and most likely last and in combination with the Wave X thingy going on it is like a nuclear fission running throughout my energy field…releasing the remnants of old limiting programs and allowing the truth of Oneness to radiated throughout every cell of my being …Leaving behind once and for all the duality having to fight the fight stuff, good against evil stuff of all incarnations to date…It is so tough to sit in the turbulence and focus on faith will get me through and better…I have my intuitive friends who help me clear what I cannot see…Meditation, 528 hz sound , coherence between my heart and brain…gratitude and prayer help me through these transitions when I can’t see…my faith in the Creator to light the path as I walk through the fire and that I AM! I read your blog, pull your cards for added wisdom as to what I need as I do my best to get through my day in Service as a Divine Spark of God. Thankyou Always grateful..I love you!!

  • Fjola

    Hi Colette. Wonderful advice as usual! Two things I try to do when I’m feeling prickly and need to recover.1- soak in the tub made of cider vinegar & mustard powder. It smells like a salad dressing but acts like a mini sauna. All of the days toxins ( both physical & mental ) are removed. Ahh! 2- I ask that all the fragments of others that I’ve collected during the day be blessed with love and light and be returned ,and that all of my fragments that others have collected be blessed with love and light and returned to
    me. It sounds funny but it makes me feel lighter and happier when I do that.

  • Mary

    Hi Colette !
    I seem to be writing often in my Gratitude Journal that I’m grateful for you and your weekly messages.

    Things that help me, besides my Gratitude Journal, are listening to soft relaxing music; prayer and meditation, and talking and listening to the plants, animals, and little critters who live outside my house.
    Also, I don’t drink coffee anymore, and now I’m so much more relaxed, I sleep better, and I have more energy, too. So, when “things” come up, the anxiety I used to have is not there anymore.
    I’m so grateful for that!

  • Bex

    I’m so glad to learn that the reversed cards are in the protection position. I used to believe that if they were reversed that meant I was out of alignment. But now I understand and I’m feeling better about past readings. Thank you for all you do, you had great clarity to my life.

  • Eric


    I’ve been away for a while; I’ve been preparing for a move that has been imminent since April but it’s been delayed yet once again. I believe that the Mercury retrograde and the solar and upcoming lunar eclipse have a lot to do with it. I also had a solar return (birthday) on Sunday, along with a Mars Return today this has been an especially energetically hectic month for me.

    To go along with what you have said I want to share a brief story (well, I’ll try to keep it brief): I went to a family reunion earlier this month. It was very nice and I saw family members that I haven’t seen in a long time and as one of the family historians (my father being the other) I found it exciting to hear the stories from family members. This was a homecoming as my family is from a rural part of the country. Being from a relatively large city we have all of the things that you find in a big city: the sirens of emergency vehicles, the sounds of diesel trucks and motorcycles, and the sounds of air vehicles. Upon arriving to the site of the reunion and getting out of the car there was a noticeable change: the absence of all of those things I listed above was quite apparent. The silence was deafening! As well as the sounds and noises that I couldn’t hear I noticed also the “noise” that you normally can’t hear was also absent: the Wi-Fi signals, the phones and radios, and all of the other unseen infrared signals that we use for remote controls and other devices. It was like after you have taken a long ride in a car of boat and getting out and still having the sensation of movement. While it was an extremely strange feeling it reinforced the fact that we have a lot of energy that stimulates us on a daily basis and we may not realize it. I have written before about the energy and frequencies and harmonics of that energy that affect us daily. When that energy vibrates at a different frequency than your own energy then those harmonics clash; you’re out of “harmony” with your environment. If you have an energy that does vibrate with a harmonic of your own energy but at amplitude or a power that is extreme then you are at a risk of a break down. Think of a wine glass that is subjected to sound energy that matches its own resonance frequency: when the energy is increased to a critical level the wine glass shatters. I believe that is what happens to us when we’re subjected to all of the stimulus and stresses of the energies that surround us on a daily basis. Just like when we travel in a car or on a boat we get used to the movement and only notice when the motion stops we need to remove ourselves from the energies that stimulate us on a daily basis. This is the only way that we will notice the energies and stresses that we are subject to. We become repeaters of the negative energy that we are subjected to because we are immersed in that energy for so long we know no difference.

    One of the things that I noticed while doing family research in looking at hundreds of death certificates prior to about 1950 I didn’t find any causes of death that aligned with some of the current top 10 causes of death: Alzheimer’s Disease, Cancer, Chronic lower respiratory disease, Diabetes, Stress (suicide). There were no deaths from autoimmune diseases found. None of these ailments were present; fellow researchers have noticed the same thing. Some may argue that the doctors of the day may not have been sophisticated enough to detect these diseases but ailments like Cancer have been around since the time of ancient Egypt. There was a change that happened somewhere and I think it has something to do with the energies that we are subject to on a daily basis.

    This is a time where we can make changes in our lives. The retrograded Mercury is a part of an opposition (stressful) aspect with a retrograde Uranus and square (stressful) aspect to a retrograded Pluto. These retrograded aspects let us know that it is time for personal internal reflection. It is a time for all of the “re”s: re-flection, re-view, re-charge, re-arrange, re-cover, re-concile, re-solve, etc. This is a time for internal mental change as mind ruling Mercury is opposed to its higher octave Uranus that prompts sudden flashes of energy, mental, psychic and otherwise. This opposition offers a choice as Uranus is in Aries, a sign that focuses on the self, and Mercury is in Libra, a sign that seeks balance. Pluto is in Capricorn, a sign that wants structure; this planet is at the apex of this T-square configuration. Pluto, the planet of transformation in Capricorn, offers a resolution to the opposing energy of Mercury and Uranus; the struggle of the mental energies of Mercury and Uranus can be resolved by transforming the structure of your life. As you have said Colette, we need to meditate and refresh our mental states. I’m laughing a bit because you offer a list of things that we can do to change our mentality, this is exactly what the Pluto in Capricorn would dictate. If we do these thing by the time the lunar eclipse (things coming to fruition) comes on the 27th and 28th we can start to enjoy the things that we have been stressing about and re-juvinate our mental health.

    Sorry, I thought I was going to make it short, but I guess you know me by now 😉 I hope you and your fur babies are doing well and I’ll be weighing in more when I get settled! Sometimes we can learn more by listening and if I can’t contribute by writing I’ll definitely be reading and listening 😉

    • Colette Baron-Reid

      love that you wrote we have all missed your wisdom and sharing here 😉

  • Martha

    I totally LOVE you…..

  • Martha

    thank you Colette…..

  • Julie

    LOVE you sooo…just what I needed this morning! Thank you sweet Colette! I am going to go sit quietly…breathe…pray…practice self-love 🙂

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